
财经频道 > 国内财经 > DEMO China > Demo China 2006 现场活动
Jton Systems
时间:2006年09月07日23:33 我来说两句  

财经博客 张军“国有制”的喜宴 艾葳2007年中国股市是属于散户的年代

  We will need our Jton Kiosk on a table with table top space of 50x50cm for the demonstration.

  The kiosk requires power and an audio-out connection from the Kiosk mixed to the room speakers.

  Cam 1 on Vice President, Opening Remarks

  Hello, I’m Steve Edelson, Vice President of Jton Systems and this is Li Jianmei of TCT, our partner here in Tianjin. 5 sec

  Today we are going to show you our MobiWallet system. It instantly converts an ordinary GSM phone into an instant transit fare payment and e-ticket machine. Those of you who have traveled to Tokyo probably saw the special phones being used for payments – Tokyo is leading the world right now.With the Jton MobiWallet system, a mobile carrier, here, can offer this next-generation mobile service with standard GSM phones – without waiting for the next generation phones. For the user, it is so easy and automatic that it is a challenge to demonstrate. First, let’s look at how a typical electronic fare card works today. (takes fare card out of the pocket) 20 sec

  Switch to close-up of fare card

  This is a normal RFID fare card used by the millions in a hundred cities around the world. Inside is a small electronic circuit and a small antenna to communicate with the fare box in busses or subways. It holds the balance of my fare inside so the fare box can read it when I get on the bus. 10 sec

  Switch to shot of Vice President

  takes fare card and places in front of bus-kiosk. Kiosk says, “Card has low balance. Return to the fare machine and add money to the card” Presenter looks at card, embarrassed. I’m sorry. Just a minute 10 sec

  Takes 2nd fare card out and places in front of bus-kiosk. Kiosk says, “Card balance low. Return to the fare machine and add money to the card” Presenter looks at card, puzzled. Must be my wife’s card. 10 sec

  Takes 3rd fare card out and places in front of bus-kiosk. Kiosk says, “Fare Paid. One Dollar. Thank you” Fare cards are great, but they can run out at a bad time. Now let’s take a look at the Jton MobiWallet in the same situation. 10 sec

  Shows cell phone and Jton MobiWallet module I’m going to upgrade this cell phone, right here on-stage so it can be my fare card (and more). 10 sec

  Switch to close-up of phone

  You can get a MobiWallet upgrade at any of your mobile carrier’s retail locations. What they would do is take out your old SIM Takes out SIM.And they would replace it with a MobiWallet enhanced SIM. Take a look at the Mobiwallet SIM. It looks a lot like the inside of the fare card. A small electronic circuit and an antenna for the reader.Inserts MobiWallet in phone and powers it up.This phone is now fully upgraded. It has the RFID fare system and the on-phone software – all installed in that one step. 20 sec

  We can now look at the phone and see our fare balance. Camera shows phone screen, menu goes to STK Applications and then shows MobiWallets..The MobiWallet is called an STK application. I click here and it shows what’s in MobiWallet.As you can see, I have a balance of 9 dollars for the Beijing fare system. Let’s try it in our bus 15 sec

   Switch to shot of Vice President and Kiosk

  takes phone and places in front of bus-kiosk. Kiosk says, Kiosk says, “Fare Paid. One Dollar. Thank you” That’s it – we now have the fare system in our phone. It pays the fare instantly without any phone calls or phone signal. It works if the phone is off, or even if the battery is empty.takes battery out of phone and places in front of bus-kiosk. Kiosk says, Kiosk says, “Fare Paid. One Dollar. Thank you”Replaces battery in phone and powers it up. Let’s take another look at the phone menu and I’ll show how you set up the automatic refill. 15 sec

  Switch to close-up of phone

  Goes to STK and MobiWallet menu.As you can see, our balance is down to $6 – isn’t it nice to be able to check anytime?But even better we can instruct the phone to make sure it never goes empty again – automatically with an auto-refill feature.Menu to Auto-Refill. It asks for a password.The fare payment system is instant, as you saw, but of course the management menu is password protected. I have to ask you all to please turn away for a second while I put in the password. Just a joke….Puts in password and the parameters are shown. 20 sec

  Goes to STK and MobiWallet menu.The first thing I do is set the lower limit for the balance. This is the amount that triggers the automatic refill. I’ll put in $5.Next, I tell it how much to add when it gets below the minimum level. In real life I would put in enough for a month or so. For the demo, I will put in $5.Menu to Auto-Refill. It asks for a password.That is it. The system is all setup. Let’s test it. 20 sec

  Switch to shot of Vice President and Kiosk

  As you remember, we have $6 in the fare wallet and asked it to refill if it goes to $5 or below.takes phone and places in front of bus-kiosk. Kiosk says, Kiosk says, “Fare Paid. One Dollar. Thank you” takes phone and places in front of bus-kiosk. Kiosk says, Kiosk says, “Fare Paid. One Dollar. Thank you” That should take it to $4 and trigger an auto refill the next time the phone is on and with a signal. Of course it is on now so it is working while we speak. 20 sec

  Right now, the phone is sending a secure message back to the Jton server requesting a fare refill for this account. Did I mention that Jton supplies the back end servers to the phone company so they don’t have to do any development at all?The server relays the request to the billing server – again through secure, encrypted messages.The billing server talks pt the bank and collects from my debit card. It tells the Jton server to go ahead and a secure message is sent to the phone to re-fill the fare card.I’ve been talking a while – let’s see if it’s done. 20 sec

  Switch to close-up of phone

  Goes to STK and MobiWallet menu.We had $4 and authorized a $5 refill. There is the balance $9. While I was talking it happened automatically. There are a number of other features such as multiple city fare cards in one phone, or you can send some of your fare money to another MobiWallet phone, over the air. But we don’t have much time and I want to show you the e-Ticket function. This is exciting! 20 sec

  Switch to shot of Vice President and Kiosk

  This feature works in cooperation with participating reservation systems. When you make a reservation with MobiWallet you have a new delivery option. Instead of having them hold it at the ticket window, email or hand-deliver, it can be beamed instantly into your MobiWallet phone. This for an airline or an inter-city train or a movie – or even an international sporting event. Then when you go to the event, you can use your phone for entry, or instantly print your ticket at a handy automatic kiosk.Turns Kiosk around to reveal ticket printer. 20 sec

  We’ve set up a small reservation system to show how it might work for an event like the Olympics – you can try this at our demo station outside.To save time, I’ve already reserved my seat beforehand and it’s been beamed into my phone.We can look at the ticket. 10 sec

  Switch to close-up of phone

  Goes to STK and MobiWallet menu – to reveal E-Ticket.Here it is. A very good seat for the ping-pong finals. This should be great.Now, of course, I could have many tickets for future events in here, no problem. Also, I could share my tickets electronically by sending one to the MobiWallet phone of my friend. Right now, I am just going to print my ticket and go in. 20 sec

  shot of Kiosk target and printer below when paper comes out

  As you can see from the target label, the same Kiosk can be used for phones or electronic ticket cards. This makes sense because the Jton MobiWallet has the same active parts as the electronic cards. Holds up transparent card again.To print my ticket, I just put my phone near the target. The Kiosk talks to MobiWallet, discovers the active ticket, and prints it out. It’s that simple.Kiosk prints ticket. We tear it off. Hold it up.I’m ready to go in…... 20 sec

  Cam 1 on Vice President: Closing remarks

  So there you are. MobiWallet. A very simple way for mobile carriers to offer advanced mobile services for all their customers phones today. Jton will provide the first two services, transit fares and e-tickets. Looking farther, MobiWallet will be doing much more than these two services. It is a platform and Jton will be cooperating with creative entrepreneurs, like the companies here at Demo, to create and offer new services we haven’t dreamed of.

  Thank you very much. We look forward to seeing you at our pavilion.


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