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  潘刚毕业于中欧工商管理学院, 获EMBA学位。1992年于内蒙古农业大学毕业。

  Gang PAN

  Chairman and President

  Inner Mongolia Yili Industrial Co., LTD.

  Mr. Gang Pan was nominated the chairman and president of Inner Mongolia Yili Group in 2005.

  In 2007, Mr. Gang Pan was elected as the representation of Seventeenth People's Congress of Chinese Communist Party.

  Under the leadership of Mr. Gang Pan, the company reaped many great achievements in 2006. It achieved an overall revenue of RMB 163.39 billion in 2006, with a growth rate of 34.2%. Being the leading brand in dairy industry, Yili Group was awarded a series of honors including “Official Milk Product of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games", “CCTV The Best Employer“, “2006 Corporate Citizenship Award for Chinese Enterprises", “Top Ten Contributive Corporation in China“, “2006 Top Ten National Safe--Food Corporation“, "Top 500 Most Worthy Brand in China", “2006 The Most Respectful Enterprise of The World” by Forbes.

  Mr. Gang Pan himself was also honored with many awards, including: “Young Global Leaders” of the World Economic Forum at Davos, "CCTV 2005 Business Figures", "The Creative Award for Chinese Young Entrepreneurs", "The Most Influential Entrepreneur Award", "The Labor Day Award", "The Young Chinese Leaders", "The Ten Greatest Marketers", “ The Chinese Brand Leader” and “The Ten Greatest Enterprise Reformers”.

  Mr. Gang Pan started his career in Yili as a quality control manager, and then was promoted to production manager. He then became the president of Natural Mineral Water Division of Yili Group. In 1999, he was promoted as the assistant to the president of Yili Group, and then the division head of several milk product divisions of Yili Group. In 2002, he was nominated the general manager of Milk Product Division and the board director and the president of Yili Group. He has been the chairman and president of Yili Group since 2005.

  Mr. Gang Pan achieved his Masters Degree (EMBA) from China Europe International Business School; he graduated from Agricultural University of Inner Mongolia in 1992.




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