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  1994年、2000年、2003年陈峰同志连续三届被评为“海南十大功勋企业家”;1994年被评为“全国杰出青年企业家”;1996年被评为“全国优秀企业家”,全国劳动模范,荣获“五一”劳动奖章;1997年获美中友好协会、美国中小型企业联合会等联合颁发的“国际优秀企业家贡献奖”;2000年被评为全国劳动模范;2002年被评为“中国首届创业企业家”,“海南首届创业企业家”;2003年被评为“2003年度先进会员”,“海南省第三届功勋企业家”,被授予“企业经营管理创新成就奖”,荣获“第十届国家级一等企业管理现代化创新成果奖”;2004年获“中国十位聚人气企业家”称号,“25位中国最具影响力的企业领袖”称号,获“20年20位影响中国的本土企业家”称号;获中央统战部、国家发改委、国家人事部、国家工商总局、全国工商联联合授予“优秀中国特色社会主义事业建设者”光荣称号;2005年9月获由上海传媒集团和CNBC共同举办的 “2005中国最佳商业领袖奖”,11月获由CNBC(美国商业财经频道)开创,评选由世界著名的芝加哥大学商学院牵头,联合全球知名的人力资源咨询和领导力开发公司DDI共同进行,由来自10个国家和地区的专业人士组成独立评审委员会评审的“亚洲最佳商业领袖奖”。

  为表彰海航集团为世界各国与中国经济交流和发展所做出的贡献,2006年7月,陈峰同志获得比利时首相授予的“皇冠勋章”;2007年3月,被美国麻塞诸塞州州长Deval Patrick先生授予“先锋者”奖章;同时,被匈牙利共和国政府授予“匈牙利共和国骑士十字勋章”。


  Chairman Chen Feng’s Resume

  Chen Feng, male, born in June 1953, in Huozhou, Shanxi province, senior economist, and government special allowance winner approved by the State Council in October 1994.

  In 1984, Mr. Chen graduated from Lufthansa College of Air Transportation Management in Germany; in 1995 gained MBA from Maastricht School of Management in the Netherlands, and in 2002 pursued the advanced studies of senor management in Harvard University.

  Mr. Chen Feng worked many years in CAAC and the National Air Regulations Bureau, and later acted as the Aviation Business Assistant to Provincial Governor in Hainan province, in charge of the establishment of Hainan Provincial Airlines.

  At present, Mr. Chen Feng is Chairman of the BoD of HNA Group.

  Entrusted by Hainan provincial government, Mr. Chen Feng initiated the establishment of Hainan Provincial Airlines in 1993 with 10 million RMB. With the endeavor of various channels, the company started its official operation on May 2nd, 1993. The company successfully moved over its initial phase of operation by financing from banks and issuing stocks in domestic and international markets. In 1997, the company was restructured and changed the name as Hainan Airlines (HNA) Company, Ltd.. In 2000, HNA Group Company, Ltd. was founded. After 13 years’ operation and accumulation, the total assets of the group have reached around 50 billion RMB from its initial 10 million RMB, and the company was expanded as a diversified large corporate group with the businesses from air transportation to airport management, hotel & tourism and other relative industries. The total staff of the group have reached over 28 thousand.

  Mr. Chen Feng was once nominated as the Standing Committee Member of the People’s Congress of Hainan Province and Member of the 10th National Committee of CPPCC.

  Mr. Chen Feng was successively nominated as 10 Top Meritorious Entrepreneurs of Hainan in 1994, 2000 and 2003, National Outstanding Youth Entrepreneur in 1994, National Outstanding Entrepreneur, National Model Worker and May 1st Labor Prize Winner in 1996. In 1997, Mr. Chen Feng won the International Outstanding Entrepreneur Contribution Award jointly issued by Sino-American Friendship Association and American Medium and Small Enterprises Federation. In 2000, he was nominated as National Model Worker, and in 2002 both as China 1st Session Founding Entrepreneur and as Hainan 1st Session Founding Entrepreneur. In 2003, Mr. Chen Feng gained the Corporate Management and Operation Innovation Award of Hainan Province and Outstanding Member 2003 by Hainan Provincial Entrepreneurs Association. In August 2003, he was nominated as the 3rd Session Meritorious Entrepreneurs of Hainan, and in December 2003, gained the 10th National First Class Corporate Management and Modern Innovation Achievement Award because of his strategic concept and implementation of Creating the Best Airlines as the target. In 2004, Mr. Chen Feng also gained the title of the Top 10 Most Popular Entrepreneurs of China. In December 2004, he won the title of the Top 25 Most Influential Leading Entrepreneurs of China, and the Top 20 China-Born Entrepreneurs of the Most Influential to China. In December 2004, he was granted the title Excellent Socialist Cause Builder with Chinese Characteristics jointly by the United Routes Ministry of the Central Government, China Development & Reform Committee, National Personnel Department, State Administration of Industry and Commerce and All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce. In September 2005, Mr. Chen Feng was elected the Best Chinese Business Leader 2005, jointly sponsored by Shanghai Median Group and CNBC. In November 2005, Mr. Chen Feng won the Asian Business Leader sponsored by CNBC and selected by the famous Business School of Chicago University with DDI, a world known HR consulting and leadership development company, and an independent appraisal committee made up of professional personnel from 10 countries and regions.

  In order to honor the contribution made by HNA Group to the economic exchange and development between China and other countries, in July 2006, Mr. Chen Feng was awarded the Medal of the Commander in the Order of the Crown by the Prime Minister Guy Verhofstadt, Belgium; in March 2007, Mr. Chen gained the Pioneer Award issued by Governor Mr. Deval Patrick, Massachusetts, USA; in the mean time, Mr. was awarded the Knight Cross Medal of the Order of Merit of the Hungarian Republic.

  Mr. Chen Feng is currently Executive Vice President of China Enterprise Confederation (CEC) and China Enterprise Directors Association (CEDA), Member of the 9th Standing Executive Committee of All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce, Chairman of Hainan Provincial Entrepreneur Association, President of Hainan Provincial General Chamber, Vice Chairman of China Transportation System and Engineering Society, Vice Chairman of International Innovation Forum and part-time professor of Renmin University of China, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Nothern Jiaotong University, Dalian University of Technology, Civil Aviation University of Management and Nanjing University of Aeronaustics and Astronaustics as well as guest professor of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, Civil Aviation University of China and Hainan University.



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