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BUSINESS.SOHU.COM 2004年7月13日14:15 来源:[ 搜狐财经 ]
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  1. Non-Discrimination (including national treatment)

  15. Some members expressed concern regarding the application of the principle of non-discrimination in relation to foreign individuals and enterprises (whether wholly or partly foreign funded). Those members stated that China should enter a commitment to accord non-discriminatory treatment to all foreign individuals and enterprises and foreign-funded enterprises in respect of the procurement of inputs and goods and services necessary for production of goods and the conditions under which their goods were produced, marketed or sold, in the domestic market and for export. In addition, those members said that China should also enter a commitment to guarantee non-discriminatory treatment in respect of the prices and availability of goods and services supplied by national and sub-national authorities and public or state enterprises, in areas including transportation, energy, basic telecommunications, other utilities and factors of production.

  16. Some members of the Working Party also raised concerns over China's practice of conditioning or imposing restrictions upon participation in the Chinese economy based upon the nationality of the entity concerned. Those members in particular raised concerns over such practices in relation to the pricing and procurement of goods and services, and the distribution of import and export licences. Members of the Working Party requested that China enter into a commitment not to condition such practices on the nationality of the entity concerned.

  17. In response, the representative of China emphasized the importance of the commitments that the government was undertaking on non-discrimination. The representative of China noted, however, that any commitment to provide non-discriminatory treatment to Chinese enterprises, including foreign-funded enterprises, and foreign enterprises and individuals in China, would be subject to other provisions of the Draft Protocol and, in particular, would not prejudice China's rights under the GATS, China's Schedule of Specific Commitments or commitments undertaken in relation to trade-related investment measures.

  18. The representative of China further confirmed that China would provide the same treatment to Chinese enterprises, including foreign-funded enterprises, and foreign enterprises and individuals in China. China would eliminate dual pricing practices as well as differences in treatment accorded to goods produced for sale in China in comparison to those produced for export. The Working Party took note of these commitments.

  19. The representative of China confirmed that, consistent with China's rights and obligations under the WTO Agreement and the Draft Protocol, China would provide non-discriminatory treatment to all WTO Members, including Members of the WTO that were separate customs territories. The Working Party took note of this commitment.

  20. Some members of the Working Party expressed concern about certain provisions of Chinese laws, regulations, administrative notices and other requirements which could, directly or indirectly, result in less favourable treatment of imported products in contravention of Article III of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade ("GATT 1994"). Such requirements included product registration and certification, internal taxation, price and profit controls and all distinct forms of licensing for imports, and distribution or sale of imported goods. Even where such requirements existed in relation to domestically produced goods, those members reiterated that any de facto or de jure less favourable treatment of imported goods had to be eliminated in order to ensure full conformity with the principle of national treatment.

  21. Some members of the Working Party drew China's attention to the variety of types of requirements which could contravene Article III of the GATT 1994. Specific reference was made to the procedures, charges and conditions for granting of business licences, whether to import, distribute, re-sell or retail goods of non-Chinese origin. Reference was also made to taxes and fiscal provisions whose impact depended, directly or indirectly, upon the Chinese or non-Chinese origin of the goods imported or traded. Those members drew the attention of China to its obligation to ensure that product testing and certification requirements, including procedures for in situ inspections, posed no greater burden - whether financial or practical - on goods of non-Chinese origin than on domestic goods. Those members underlined that conformity assessment procedures and standards, including safety and other compliance requirements, had to respect the terms of the WTO Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade ("TBT Agreement") as well as Article III of the GATT 1994.

  22. The representative of China confirmed that the full respect of all laws, regulations and administrative requirements with the principle of non-discrimination between domestically produced and imported products would be ensured and enforced by the date of China's accession unless otherwise provided in the Draft Protocol or Report. The representative of China declared that, by accession, China would repeal and cease to apply all such existing laws, regulations and other measures whose effect was inconsistent with WTO rules on national treatment. This commitment was made in relation to final or interim laws, administrative measures, rules and notices, or any other form of stipulation or guideline. The Working Party took note of these commitments.

  23. In particular, the representative of China confirmed that measures would be taken at national and sub-national level, including repeal or modification of legislation, to provide full GATT national treatment in respect of laws, regulations and other measures applying to internal sale, offering for sale, purchase, transportation, distribution or use of the following:

  - After sales service (repair, maintenance and assistance), including any conditions applying to its provision, such as the MOFTEC third Decree of 6 September 1993, imposing mandatory licensing procedures for the supply of after-sales service on various imported products;

  - Pharmaceutical products, including regulations, notices and measures which subjected imported pharmaceuticals to distinct procedures and formulas for pricing and classification, or which set limits on profit margins attainable and imports, or which created any other conditions regarding price or local content which could result in less favourable treatment of imported products;

  - Cigarettes, including unification of the licensing requirements so that a single licence authorized the sale of all cigarettes, irrespective of their country of origin, and elimination of any other restrictions regarding points of sale for imported products, such as could be imposed by the China National Tobacco Corporation ("CNTC"). It was understood that in the case of cigarettes, China could avail itself of a transitional period of two years to fully unify the licensing requirements. Immediately upon accession, and during the two year transitional period, the number of retail outlets selling imported cigarettes would be substantially increased throughout the territory of China;

  - Spirits, including requirements applied under China's "Administrative Measures on Imported Spirits in the Domestic Market", and other provisions which imposed distinct criteria and licensing for the distribution and sale of different categories of spirits, including unification of the licensing requirements so that a single licence authorized the sale of all spirits irrespective of their country of origin;

  - Chemicals, including registration procedures applicable to imported products, such as those applied under China's "Provisions on the Environmental Administration of Initial Imports of Chemical Products and Imports and Exports of Toxic Chemical Products";

  - Boilers and pressure vessels, including certification and inspection procedures which had to be no less favourable than those applied to goods of Chinese origin, and fees applied by the relevant agencies or administrative bodies, which had to be equitable in relation to those chargeable for like products of domestic origin.

  The representative of China stated that in the cases of pharmaceuticals, spirits and chemicals cited above, China would reserve the right to use a transitional period of one year from the date of accession in order to amend or repeal the relevant legislation. The Working Party took note of these commitments.

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