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BUSINESS.SOHU.COM 2004年7月13日14:39 来源:[ 搜狐财经 ]
页面功能 【我来说两句】【我要“揪”错】【推荐】【字体: 】【打印】 【关闭

  7. Special Economic Areas

  218. Members of the Working Party noted that there was insufficient information available concerning special economic areas within China's customs territory, including border trade regions and minority autonomous areas, SEZs, open coastal cities, economic and technical development zones and other areas where special regimes for tariffs, taxes and regulations had been established (collectively referred to as "special economic areas"), in particular their names, geographic boundaries, and relevant laws, regulations and other measures relating thereto.

  219. In response, the representative of China stated that since 1979 China had established a number of special economic areas where more open policies were applied. They included five SEZs, 14 open coastal cities, six open cities along the Yangtze River, 21 provincial capital cities and 13 inland boundary cities. Those special economic areas enjoyed greater flexibility in utilizing foreign capital, introducing foreign technology and conducting economic cooperation overseas. At present, foreign investors were entitled to certain preferential treatment.

  220. The representative of China further stated that FIEs located in SEZs or the Economic and Technical Development Zones of open coastal cities were entitled to a corporate income tax rate of 15 per cent (the normal income tax was 33 per cent). Profits remitted abroad by foreign investors were exempted from income tax. The preferential income tax rate of 15 per cent was applicable to technology-intensive or knowledge-intensive items or projects with foreign investment of over US$30 million, as well as enterprises that operated in the fields of energy, transport and port construction.

  221. The representative of China noted that throughout the customs territory of China, a socialist market economy system was applied. In 1999, the foreign trade volume of SEZs accounted for nearly one fifth of the nation's total. The national laws and regulations on taxation were applicable to SEZs in a uniform manner.

  222. In response to further requests for information, the representative of China indicated that there was no plan to establish any new SEZs. The special preferential tariff policies applied to SEZs had been eliminated. With the development of China's economic reform and opening up, China would implement its tariff policy uniformly throughout its customs territory. Members of the Working Party expressed concern that imported products introduced from these special economic areas into other parts of China's customs territory should be subject to the same treatment in the application of all taxes, import restrictions and customs duties and other charges as that normally applied to imports into the other parts of China's customs territory. The representative of China stated that China would undertake to ensure such non-discriminatory treatment. The Working Party took note of this commitment.

  223. Some members of the Working Party also raised concerns as to whether the assistance provided to minority autonomous regions and other areas of economic poverty was consistent with WTO requirements. In response, the representative of China confirmed that China had a clear commitment to uniform administration of the trade regime within each such area and that, upon accession, China would ensure that such assistance would be implemented consistent with WTO obligations. The Working Party took note of this commitment.

  224. Some members of the Working Party requested that China take steps to ensure that all products imported into the other parts of the customs territory of China from special economic areas would be subject to the same normal customs duties and charges as any other product imported into the customs territory of China. In particular, those members requested that China undertake a commitment to apply all taxes, charges and measures affecting imports, including import restrictions and customs and tariff charges, that were normally applied to imports into the other parts of China's customs territory to all imported products, including physically incorporated components, entering China's customs territory from the special economic areas.

  225. The representative of China confirmed that China would strengthen the uniform enforcement of taxes, tariffs and non-tariff measures on trade between its special economic areas and the other parts of China's customs territory. The representative of China further confirmed that statistics on trade between China's special economic areas and the other parts of its customs territory would be maintained and improved, and would be notified to the WTO on a regular basis. The Working Party took note of these commitments.

  226. Some members of the Working Party requested that China notify the WTO of all the relevant laws, regulations and other measures relating to its special economic areas. They asked that the notification list and identify all those special economic areas. Those members also requested that China notify the WTO promptly, but in any case within 60 days, of any additions or modifications to its special economic areas, including notification of the laws, regulations and other measures relating thereto.

  227. The representative of China confirmed that China would provide information in its notifications describing how the special trade, tariff, and tax regulations applied were limited to the designated special economic areas, including information concerning their enforcement. The Working Party took note of this commitment.

  228. In response to concerns raised by some members of the Working Party, the representative of China confirmed that any preferential arrangements provided to foreign invested enterprises located within the special economic areas would be provided on a non-discriminatory basis. The Working Party took note of this commitment.

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