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体育营销国际年会嘉宾Hide Arai介绍

BUSINESS.SOHU.COM 2004年11月30日10:41 来源:[ 搜狐财经 ]
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  Hidenori Arai

  Hide Arai was named Deputy Director, Marketing and TV Division of FIFA, in May 2004 and is responsible for the broadcasting and other media rights distribution of FIFA and the sales activities for FIFA sponsorship program for the period 2007-2014. He reports directly to Jerome Valcke, Director of Marketing and TV Division of FIFA.

  Arai, 48, has started being involved in the marketing programs and sponsorship operations of FIFA since World Cup USA ’94 ™ when he was based in ISL AG, at Luzern, Switzerland. He has been involved in the last 3 FIFA World Cups –’94, France 98 and Korea/Japan 2002—in several key different areas of World Cups’ commercial rights exploitation including sponsorship sales, broadcasting rights distribution, and merchandize licensing.

  Prior to joining FIFA, Arai was a broadcasting rights specialist at Japan’s Dentsu Inc, the 4th largest advertising group in the world, and as General Manager in sport broadcasting rights, he had been instrumental in successful rights distribution of FIFA World Cup 2002™, Major League Baseball, US Open Tennis, The British Open Golf, FA Premier League, Serie A Italian Football League, Spanish Football League and other football leagues.

  In 2003, Arai was appointed as Executive Vice President at International Sports and Entertainment AG in Zurich, Switzerland, heavily involved in its successful bid to acquire the exclusive rights of hospitality program of FIFA World Cup Germany 2006™.

  Beside his involvement with football, Hide Arai was the Marketing Committee member , at the International Ice Hockey Federation (IIHF) from 1999 to 2003.

  Arai is a graduate of Waseda University in Tokyo (BA, Political Science 81) and has completed the executive management program of Columbia University in 1990. Beside being a sport fan, he is an avid Rolling Stones supporter.

  Hide Arai 介绍

  Hide Arai是FIFA 的市场宣传总监,2004年5月起负责FIFA 的宣传及媒体权益以及2007-2014年FIFA 的赞助方案和销售活动。他的工作情况将直接向FIFA 的市场宣传总裁 Jerome Valcke 汇报。

  Arai ,48岁,自从USA 1994年的世界杯后就一直开始致力于FIFA 的市场计划及赞助活动,在那之前,他在ISL AG 瑞士的卢赛恩市工作。在以往三届世界杯 1994年、1998年法国,2002年日/韩,他一直致力于世界杯商业权益的开发,包括赞助及销售,传播权益的分配和商业许可证的获得。

  在加入FIFA之前,Arai 是日本的Dentsu Inc的传播权益专家,Dentsu Inc 是世界第四大咨询集团,同时作为体育传播权益的总经理,在FIFA 2002年世界杯的成功权益分配等起重要作用,如 Major 棒球联合会、US 网球公开赛、英国高尔夫公开赛,FA Premier联合会、Serie A 意大利足球联合会、西班牙足球联合会及其他足球联合会。

  2003年.Arai 在瑞士苏黎世举行的国际体育休闲AG任执行副总裁,潜心致力于成功取得2006年的国世界杯FIFA 好客方案的独家权益。

  除了潜心足球外,Hide Arai 还是1999-2003年国际冰上曲棍球联合会的市场协会会员。

  Arai ,毕业于东京Waseda大学(BA,1981年政治科学系),于1990年完成了哥伦比亚大学的经营管理学。他是个体育球迷,此外他还是滚石的渴望赞助伙伴。

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