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CNBC资深记者 主持人Christine Tan

BUSINESS.SOHU.COM 2005年3月31日17:45 来源:[ 搜狐财经 ]
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理财为什么有人富了 而有人不行 银行还款是怎么算出来的 老公有钱 女人就高人一等吗
股票中国股民一定要活下来 托起的千点能走多远 “国九条”成了谁的道具
评论马英九胜利得太窝囊了 中国人应该感激格林斯潘 “买椟还珠”与商品过度包装
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CNBC资深记者 主持人Christine Tan
图:CNBC资深记者、主持人 Christine Tan

  Christine Tan is the anchor of Managing Asia (Fridays at 6:00pm with weekend repeats), a weekly programme which talks to CEOs and top executives on issues, insights and challenges of managing companies in Asia. She also anchors Asia Market Wrap (Mondays to Thursdays 4:00pm - 6:00pm, Fridays 5:00pm - 5:30pm), a weekday afternoon programme which provides in-depth analysis of the day's financial news, and Asia Market Week (Fridays at 5:30pm with weekend repeats), which provides a comprehensive review of the week's market moving stories from Asia and a look at next week's market action.

  Singaporean Christine Tan has over 10 years of broadcasting experience in business news and current affairs. In recognition of her work, Christine received the Best News Programme award at the 2004 Asian Television Awards on behalf of the Asian Wall Street Journal programme which she anchored during the period of judging. The same programme also won a finalist award at the 2004 New York Festivals for Coverage of Breaking News Story. Christine was also a Best Current Affairs Presenter finalist at the 1997 Asian Television Awards and received High Commendations. She also received finalist awards for Best News Anchor at the New York Festivals in 2001 and 2002.

  Prior to joining CNBC, Christine was the Senior Producer and Presenter of the current affairs show Money Mind, one of the longest running programs of the Television Corporation of Singapore, today called MediaCorp.

  Christine holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Sociology and English and a Masters of Arts with Honours in Sociology from the University of Auckland, New Zealand.

( 责任编辑:任宁 )

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  • CNBC财经电台在沪开播 NBC探路中国(12/06 09:50)
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