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  哈佛商学院著名教授大卫·尤费先生(Mr. David Yoffie),兼任英特尔公司首席独立董事

  大卫·尤费现任哈佛商学院马思与道瑞丝Ÿ斯塔尔教席国际工商管理教授,哈佛青年总裁培训部主任,英特尔公司首席独立董事及执委会主席(1989年受英特尔公司董事会之邀成为美国当时最大的150家工业企业中最年轻的独立董事),嘉信理财(Charles Schwab)和Spotfire公司董事,以及美国国家经济研究局理事,并在30多个国家讲授管理课程及提供咨询,其研究和咨询专注于竞争战略、技术管理和国际竞争战略。

  尤费教授有关商业战略和技术的著作被多次出版,是八本著作的作者或编者,其新近与玛丽Ÿ夸克合著的《柔道战略:小公司战胜大公司的秘密》(哈佛商学院出版社,2001年),已被译成中、日、韩、西、法、俄、波、葡等多个版本。该书以柔道做喻,探讨了如何将竞争对手的长处为己所用的战略技巧。尤费教授近年出版的其他著作还包括《数字趋同时代的竞争》(哈佛商学院出版社,1997年)、《谁杀了网景——网络时代的商战谋略》(纽约Free Press出版,1998年,与麻省理工大学斯隆管理学院教授迈克尔•库苏马诺合著,该书被美国《商业周刊》和亚马逊网站评为1998年十大商业畅销书之一)、《网络时代的竞争》(该书被译成中文、日文和意大利文等版本,并成为研究微软和美国司法部的反垄断案的重要公开资料)。尤菲教授曾频繁为《华尔街日报》、《纽约时报》、《哈佛商业评论》撰文,并撰写了大量有关公司战略、国际贸易和高科技行业全球竞争等话题的文章。尤菲教授撰写了100多篇有关商业战略和国际管理问题的案例研究,销售超过150万册。



  David B. Yoffie

  Max and Doris Starr Professor of International Business Administration

  Professor David B. Yoffie is the Max and Doris Starr Professor of International Business Administration at Harvard Business School. A member of the HBS faculty since 1981, Professor Yoffie received his Bachelor's degree summa cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa from Brandeis University and his Masters and Ph.D. degrees from Stanford, where he was a lecturer for two years, and spent two years as a Visiting Scholar in 1995-6 and 2002-3. Professor Yoffie served as chairman of the HBS Strategy department from 1997-2002 and chairman of the Advanced Management Program from 1999-2002. Professor Yoffie currently chairs Harvard's Young President's Organization program and teaches a popular second year MBA course, Strategy & Technology.

  Professor Yoffie's research and consulting have focused on competitive strategy, technology, and international competition. Outside of HBS, Professor Yoffie's activities include being on the Board of Directors of Intel Corporation, Charles Schwab Corporation, and Spotfire Corporation. He also serves on the board of the National Bureau of Economic Research. Professor Yoffie has lectured and consulted in more than 30 countries around the world. In addition, from 1997-1999 he was a member of the U.S. Department of Justice's commission on international anti-trust and competition policy. When appointed to Intel's board in 1989, he was the youngest outside director of America's largest 150 industrial corporations. Professor Yoffie currently serves as Intel's Lead Independent Director and chair of its Executive Committee.

  Professor Yoffie's writings on business strategy and technology have been widely published. Professor Yoffie is the author or editor of eight books. His latest book, co-authored with Mary Kwak, is Judo Strategy (Harvard Business School Press, 2001), which has been translated into Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, French, Russian, Polish, and Portuguese. Using judo as a metaphor, the book explores strategic techniques for turning your competitors' strengths to your advantage. His other recent books include Competing in the Age of Digital Convergence (Harvard Business School Press, 1997), and Competing on Internet Time: Lessons from Netscape and Its Battle with Microsoft (Free Press, 1998, co-authored with MIT Professor Michael Cusumano). Named by Business Week and as one of the top 10 business books of 1998, Competing on Internet Time has been translated into Japanese, Chinese, and Italian, and became a highly publicized component of the Microsoft-Department of Justice anti-trust trial. Professor Yoffie has written extensively for the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, and the Harvard Business Review, as well as numerous scholarly and managerial articles on international trade, firm strategy, and global competition in high technology industries. Professor Yoffie has published more than 100 case studies on business strategy and international management issues, which have sold more than

  David B. Yoffie's current research focuses on competitive and corporate strategy in technology-intensive firms. One stream of research is on Judo Strategy, which is an outgrowth of two recent books, Competing on Internet Time: Lessons from Netscape and its Battle with Microsoft (Free Press, 1998 and co-authored with MIT Professor Michael Cusumano), and Judo Strategy: Turning Your Competitors' Strength to Your Advantage (Harvard Business School Press, 2001 and co-authored with Harvard Research Associate Mary Kwak). Judo strategy is a metaphor that explores how smaller or weaker competitors can use the principles of judo -- the martial art -- to beat stronger competitors in a wide range of markets. Professor Yoffie and Mary Kwak are continuing to research new examples and techniques of judo strategy. A related stream of research is exploring how firms with complementary products cooperate and compete in the marketplace. While common wisdom suggests that complementors naturally cooperate to grow the market, complementary firms also must compete over their share of potential profits. A third stream of research is examining the requirements of becoming a successful platform company.

  Official online Bio for David Yoffie can be found from HBS website:


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