G oldm an SachsA ssetM anagem entC o .aim s tolaunchthe fundinJulyor A ugust w ithan initial sizeof around 30 billion Y en-50billionY en($376m illionto $627m illion). Itw ill aim to increasethesizeof theprivateR E IT to around 100 billion Y en in tw o tothree years,the personsaid.
D espite the sluggishness inthe T okyoreal-estatem arket,thecity hasseen an officebuildingconstructionboom w ith anum berofnew prim e-grade buildings ina financial districtbeingcom pletedearlier this year. T heboom isexpectedtocontinue over the next few years.
“Japanesepropertyvalues arereallynearthe bottom now,”saidK ayokoH irao,asso-ciate director of consultingandresearchat D T ZR esearch in T okyo.“T hem arket m ayturnaroundsoon. N ow is the tim e toinvest.”