U nder theterm s of thedeal,IC E is of-fering $33 .12 for each share in N Y SEEuronext,aprem ium of 37.7percent over itsclosingpriceon Wednesdayof $24.05. IC Esharesareto account for67 percent of thetransaction,w iththe rest tobe paidincash.
IC E在声明中说,此次合并将成立一个涵盖“农业和能源大宗商品、信贷衍生品、证券和证券衍生品以及外汇和利率市场”在内的“主要全球性交易所”,并在市场变革的大环境中“保持领先地位”。如果能顺利通过双方股东和美欧相关监管部门的批准,ICE与纽交所的联姻最终将在2013年下半年完成。
IC E plans tom aintaintw oheadquarters,inA tlantaandinthe iconic N ew Y orkStockExchangebuildingonW all Street,thestate-m ent said. IC E founder Sprecher is tocontinueas chairm anandchief executive of the com binedcom pany,w hile N iederauer w ouldbe the pres-ident of the parent group,andchief executiveof the N Y SE unit.
IC E计划保留在亚特兰大和具有标志性意义的纽约华尔街两个总部。ICE创始人斯普雷彻将继续担任合并后新交易所的董事长兼首席执行官,纽约泛欧交易集团现任首席执行官内德劳尔将出任集团总裁,并负责纽交所事务。(法新)
IC E的主要目标是旗下的欧洲第二大衍生品交易平台伦敦国际金融期货期权交易所(Liffe)一旦拥有了占纽约泛欧交易集团利润40%以上的Liffe,IC E将在伦敦建立起一家主要的衍生品交易所,专门从事利率、大宗商品和信贷业务。纽交所的品牌效应也是ICE所或缺的。
Sprecher saidheandN Y SE C E O D uncanN iederaur just com pleteda“w hirlw indtour”visitingglobal regulators,particularlythefiveregulators that overseethevarious m arkets inE urope,aheadof their announcem ent of thedeal onT hursdaym orning.
Last year,Intercontinental ExchangeandN asdaqO M X G roupInc. m adeafailed $11billionbidtobuyN Y SE Euronext. Earlier thisyear,E uropean regulatorsblockedD eutscheBoerse A G from buyingN Y SE Euronext.