美国飞机制造商波音公司1月31日公布,去年全年,波音公司营业额达到创纪录的817亿美 元(约 合 人 民 币5 0 8 1亿 元), 同 比 增 长18.92%,上一年同期为687亿美元。波音公司董事长、总裁兼首席执行官詹姆斯·迈克纳尼(Jam es M cN erney)表示,公司在2013年的第一要务是解决787的电池问题。
T he new plane"s pow erful electrical systemdoes m orew orkthanthoseonearlier jets andhas an intricate,m any-tiered chain ofsuppliers.Boeingbills the787as a “m ore-electric”airplane.T heelectricityinflight isprovidedbysixgenerators.It alsocarries tw olithium -ionbatteries,thefocus of therecentincidents that have groundedthe 787fleet.
C om pany engineersblam e the 787"soutsourcedsupplychain,sayingthat poor qualitycom ponents are com ingfrom subcontractors thathave operatedlargelyout of Boeing"s view .
A N A,A sia"s topairline byrevenue,lostm ore than $15m illioninrevenue from havingtocancel D ream liner flights last m onth. Earlierthisw eek it saidit w asunclearastow henBoeing"s sophisticatednew plane w ouldresum ecom m ercial flights,m akingit harder topredictthelonger-term financial im pact of havingtheplane idle.
A N A ispreparedtorecoupfrom B oeingw hatever dam ages itsuffers from flightcancellationsand othercostscaused by thew orldw ide groundingof 787jets。
A N A has canceledclose to850flights untilFebruary18,affectingover 82,000passengers.T heD ream liner m akes uparound7percent ofA N A"s fleet,andthe airlinenorm allyoperatesaround 1,000 flightsadayand carries3 .7m illionpassengers eachm onth.
Japan"s A N A is intalks w ithU .S . air-craft m aker BoeingCotospeedupthe deliveryofthree 777 jetlinersasitsfleetof787D ream linerairplanesrem ainsgrounded w ithundiagnosedbatteryproblem s,the N ikkei new s-paper saidonSunday.