T hedeal,w hich requirestheapproval ofH einz shareholders andthe okayof regulators,w ill be financedthrougha com binationof cash,rolloverof existingdebt anddebt financing.T he deal is expectedtoclose inthe thirdquar-ter,the com panies saidina statem ent。
The com pany actually generates the largest portionof its sales inEurope,thoughits traditional N orthA m erican consum er products business is the m ost prof-itable.But its real grow thengine has been the A sia/Pacific region,where sales increased nearly 11 percentinthe last fiscal year,inpart ondem and for saucesand infant foods in China。
O neBerkshireinvestor saidhehadm ixedfeelings about thedeal becauseof thelim itedgrow thprospects dom estically。“W e"realittlehesitant onthestaplecom panies becausetheydon"t have anyleverage inthe U nitedStates,”said B ill Sm ead,chief investm entofficerofSm eadCapital M anagem ent inSeattle。
而另一位投资者 D estination财富管理公司的M ichael Y oshikam i则看好这宗收购,认为可以为其他交易提供现金流。
Shares of other foodcom panies inthe sec-tor alsoroseam idspeculationthat theH einzdeal couldtrigger a w ave of m ergers。
T heproposeddeal is thelatest inaseriesof recenttakeoversand trum psthe $24bnleveragedbuyout offer byM ichael D ell,alongw ith M icrosoft and SilverL akePartners,totakeprivatethecom puterm akerhefoundedthree decades ago。
这笔拟议中的交易是近期一系列收购的最新一例,超过迈克尔·戴尔(M ichael D ell)联手微软(M icrosoft)和银湖资本(Silver Lake)发出的240亿美元杠杆收购要约,后者的目的是将戴尔30年前创立的电脑制造商私有化。(《金融时报》)
The U .S. Securities and Exchange Com m issionhas frozen the assets ofa Swiss trading account that al-legedly m ade a series of“highly suspicious”tradesreaping about $1.7 m illion ahead of the blockbustersale of H .J.H einz Co。