JPM organ Chase,based in N ew York,earned$6.5billion,or $1.59a share,for the three-m onth period that ended M arch 31,up from $4.9billion,or $1.19 a share,a year earlier. A nalystshad expected $1.39. Revenue fell to $25.8 billionfrom $26.8 billion a year earlier.
M ortgagerefinancinghadbeenonebrightspot inrecent quarters. T hem ortgage-bankingoperations of U .S . banks andthrifts reportedprofitsof $31.9billion last year,about sixtim estheam ountnotched in 2011 and thelargest total inat least adecade,accordingtom ortgage tracker Inside M ortgage Finance.
JPM organC hase saidits investm ent bank-ingandasset m anagem ent earningsw ereup,andits set-asides tocover litigation,m uchof itstem m ing from bad loansfrom thehousingbust,w ere dow n.
W ells Fargoreportedits m ortgagebankingnoninterest incom e totaled $2.79 billion,down 2.6%from a year earlier. H om e lending originations w eredown at $109 billion,com pared with $125 billion inthe prior quarter.A pplications dropped to $140 billionfrom $152billioninthe prior quarter. The bankreported a net interest m argin-the profit m argin be-tween lending and investing-of 3.48% versus 3.91% ayear earlier and3.56% inthe fourthquarter.Butnoninterest expense dropped 5.7%to $7.34 billion.