T he N ew Y orkT im es Com panyhas agreedtosell itsBostonG lobenew spaper andotherN ew Englandm ediaassets tothe ow ner of theB oston R edSox baseball team for $70m incash,a steepdiscount onthe $1.1bnthe pub-lisher paidfor the new spaper in1993.
T heT im es saidtheall-cashsale,expectedto clo se in 3 0 to 6 0 d ays,in clu d esBostonG lobe.com,Boston.com,T heW orcesterT elegram & G azette,T elegram .com,thedi-rect m ail m arketingcom panyG lobeD irect andthecom pany’s49percent interest in M etroBoston,a free dailynew spaper for com m uters.
纽约时报公司称,此项全现金收购计划预计将在30天至60天内完成。除《波士顿环球报》以外,此次出售的资产还包括:《波士顿环球报》网站、Boston.com、《沃塞斯特电讯报》及其网站、直邮营销公司G lobeD irect以及免费日报M etroBoston的49%股权。(《华尔街日报》)
T heT im es announcedinFebruaryit w asputtingthe G lobe andrelatedassets upfor salefour years after callingoff a previous attem pt tosell it. T hecom pany’s C E O saidat thetim esellingthe G lobe w ouldhelpthe com panyfocusattentiononT he N ew Y orkTim es brand.
T heN ew Englandproperties w ere the lastpieces of aoncem uchbigger N ew Y orkT im esC oem pire. T hecom panyhas soldoff every-thing - T V andradioassets,dozens of U .S .regional papers,digital com panies,andits stakesin sportsventures - tofocussolelyon itsflagshipandinternational edition.
Likem anyU S new spapers,theG lobehasbeenhit bya slum pinadvertisingrevenue w ithcirculationdeclining.T he G lobe enjoyedaw eek-daycirculationof m orethanhalf am illionintheearly 1990s,butthishasfallen off asreaders m igratedtothe internet.
T he G lobe isn’t the onlynew spaper toseeahugedropinits priceat saletim e.InA pril2012,Philadelphia’stw olargest new spaperssoldfor $55m illion,afractionof the $515m illionpaidbya groupof investors in2006.
D rivingthese deals,one w ayor another,isthecollapseof thenew spaper print adm arketover the past few years—w hichshow s nosignsof stopping .U.S . print advertising fell 55%from 2007to2012,accordingtothe N ew spaperA ssociationof A m erica. A further dropof 6.2%is expectedthis year,anda6.8% declinenextyear,predicts M agnaG lobal,adivisionof IPGMediab ran ds .A n oth er m edia agen cy,ZenithO ptim edia,expects total adspendingonnew spaperstofall 8% annuallyin theyearsahead. A t that rate,thetotal m arket for printnew spaper ads w ouldbe reducedtoless than $10billion overthenext decadefrom $49.3billionin2006.
T henew spaperindustryhasstruggledtostayafloat am idthedigital transform ation. BigU Scitynew spapers,suchas the BostonG lobe,have been particularly hard hit.Metronew spapershistorically generated a largerportionof their revenues throughclassifiedads,m akingthem especiallyvulnerable tothe rise ofthew ebanddirect onlinecom petitors suchasCraigslist.
报业发展在数字化变革的过程中举步维艰。《波士顿环球报》等美国大型都市报更是受到严重打击。在地铁上发行的报纸的销售收入中,很大一部分来自于分类广告,这使得这类报纸在面对网络的崛起和来自C raigslist等广告网站的直接竞争时格外脆弱。(《金融时报》)