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页面功能 【我来说两句】【我要“揪”错】【推荐】【字体: 】【打印】 【关闭


  1. Non-Discrimination (to be notified to the Council for Trade in Goods)

  (a) the repeal and cessation of all WTO inconsistent laws, regulations and other measures on national treatment

  (b) the repeal or modification to provide full GATT national treatment in respect of laws, regulations and other measures applying to internal sale, offering for sale, purchase, transportation, distribution or use of: after sales service, pharmaceutical products, cigarettes, spirits, chemicals and boiler and pressure vessels (for pharmaceutical products, chemicals and spirits there is a reservation of the right to use a transitional period of one year from the date of accession in order to amend or repeal relevant legislation)

  2. Foreign Exchange and Payments (to be notified to the Committee on Balance-of-Payments Restrictions)

  (a) exchange measures as required under Article VIII, Section 5 of the IMF's Articles of Agreement and such other information on China's exchange measures as was deemed necessary in the context of the transitional review mechanism

  3. Investment Regime (to be notified to the Committee on Trade-Related Investment Measures)

  (a) completed revisions to investment guidelines in conformity with the WTO Agreement

  4. Pricing Policies (to be notified to the Committee on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures)

  (a) application of existing or any other price controls and the reason for their use

  (b) pricing mechanisms of China's state trading enterprises for exported products


  1. Structure and Powers of the Government/Authority of Sub-Central Governments/Uniform Administration (to be notified to the General Council)

  (a) revision or enactment of domestic laws, regulations and other measures related to China's commitments under the WTO Agreement and Protocol, including those of local governments at the sub-national level, that have been promulgated since accession or the previous meeting of the relevant body under the Transitional Review Mechanism

  (b) establishment and operation (upon accession) of the mechanism pursuant to Section 2(A), paragraph 4 of the Protocol under which individuals and enterprises can bring cases of non-uniform application of the trade regime to the attention of national authorities


  1. Tariff Rate Quotas (to be notified to the Committee on Market Access)

  (a) administration of TRQs on a transparent, predictable, uniform, fair and non-discriminatory basis using clearly specified timeframes, administrative procedures and requirements and evidence of a consistent national allocation (and reallocation) policy including:

  (i) provision of volume/value of the quota or TRQ made available;

  (ii) reallocated quota or TRQ applied for;

  (iii) the volume/value of requests for allocation or reallocation denied;

  (iv) fill rates for the quota or TRQ;

  (v) for TRQs, the amount of any goods entered at the over quota rate; and

  (vi) time taken to grant a quota or TRQ allocation.

  2. Non-Tariff Measures including Quantitative Import Restrictions (to be notified to the Committee on Market Access)

  (a) the introduction, re-introduction or application of any non-tariff measures other than those listed in Annex 3 of the Protocol and elimination of non-tariff measures

  (b) implementation of the schedule for phased elimination of the measures contained in Annex 3

  (c) quota allocation and reallocation in conformity with WTO requirements, including the Agreement on Licensing Procedures following criteria set out in the Report of the Working Party on the Accession of China ("Report ")

  (d) distribution licences, quotas, tariff rate quotas or any other means of approval for importation are not subject to conditions set out in Section 7, paragraph 3 of the Protocol

  3. Import Licensing (to be notified to the Committee on Import Licensing)

  (a) implementation of the provisions of the Agreement on Import Licensing Procedures and the WTO Agreement applying the measures set out in Section 8 of the Protocol including provision of the time taken to grant an import licence

  4. Customs Valuation (to be notified to the Committee on Customs Valuation)

  (a) the use of valuation methods, other than the stated transaction value

  5. Export Restrictions (to be notified to the Council for Trade in Goods)

  (a) any restrictions on exports through non-automatic licensing or other means justified by specific product under the WTO Agreement or the Protocol

  6. Safeguards (to be notified to the Committee on Safeguards)

  (a) implementation of China's Regulation on Safeguards

  7. Technical Barriers to Trade (to be notified to the Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade)

  (a) notification of acceptance of the Code of Good Practice not later than four months after China's accession

  (b) periodic review of existing standards of government standardizing bodies and harmonization of the same with relevant international standards where appropriate

  (c) revision of current voluntary national, local and sectoral standards so as to harmonize them with international standards

  (d) use of the terms "technical regulations" and "standards" according to their meaning under the TBT Agreement in China's notifications under the TBT Agreement, including under Article 15.2 thereof and publications referenced therein, and in modifications of existing measures

  (e) review of technical regulations every five years to ensure international standards are used in accordance with Article 2.4 of the Agreement and provision for adoption of international standards as the basis for technical regulation as part of its notification under Article 15.2 of the Agreement

  (f) progress report on increase of the use of international standards as the basis for technical regulations by ten per cent in five years

  (g) provision of procedures to implement Article 2.7 of the Agreement

  (h) provision of a list of relevant local governmental and non-governmental bodies that are authorized to adopt technical regulations or conformity assessment procedures as part of China's notification under Article 15.2 of the Agreement

  (i) ongoing updates on the conformity assessment bodies that are recognized by China

  (j) enactment and implementation of a new law and relevant regulations regarding assessment and control of chemicals for the protection of the environment in which complete national treatment and full consistency with international practices would be ensured within one year after China's accession following conditions set out in 3(t) of the TBT Working Party Report

  (k) information on whether, one year after accession, all conformity assessment bodies and agencies are authorized to undertake conformity assessment for both imported and domestic products and are following the conditions outlined in Section 13, subparagraph 4(a) of the Protocol

  (l) assignment of the respective responsibilities of China's conformity assessment bodies solely on the basis of the scope of work and type of product without any consideration of the origin of a product no later than eighteen months after accession

  (m) notification of the respective responsibilities assigned to China's conformity assessment bodies to the TBT committee 12 months after accession

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