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ITAT and SD cooperate for the Olympic feast

  Major international clothing retailer and department store chain-agency ITAT has signed Cooperation agreements with listed UK sportsware company Sports Direct on Feb 26th ,2008. Chairman of the ITAT Group Mr. Au Tong Guo and the founder of S.D, along with other Senior staff within the two enterprises attended the signing ceremony. The two tycoons in retailing industry form a strategic alliance together at this particular time, aiming at the golden opportunity of Beijing Olympic Games and expecting to get a share of Olympic economy.

  China is one of the biggest consumer markets in the world. As Beijing Olympics stepping near, sports apparels that represent vigor and youth are increasingly demanded by the public. Sportsware market is growing at a dramatic rate, bringing great development opportunities for both of the cooperation parties

  ITAT has been consistently supporting the development of sports apparel industry in China. In face of the heated marketing competition brought by the upcoming Olympics, ITAT has decided to re-position itself as an international and professional brand by introducing more and more internationally renowned sportswear brands to the Chinese market and support great sports events through sponsorship. ITAT group aims brand internationalisation and specialization as its own strategic objectives in the new competition era.

  S.D (Sports Direct) is the UK’s leading sports retailer by revenue and operating profit and the owner of several internationally recognised sports and leisure brands. The Group owns (either outright, through majority ownership or through a joint venture) a portfolio of internationally recognised sports and leisure brands. The Group Brands include Antigua, Carlton, Donnay, Dunlop, Kangol, Karrimor, Lillywhites, LA Gear(*), Lonsdale, No Fear, Slazenger, Title and Voodoo Dolls. The founder of the S.D is at the same time the owner of NEW CASTLE UNITED soccer club, which club retains a number of famous soccer stars such as Hiler and Owen who are popular among Chinese public. These super stars are thought to act as great push for the sports marketing campaign, especially when Mr.Owen, the noted heartthrob soccer player within the club, already has millions of fans in China.

  “The cooperation with ITAT brings us a great opportunities to explore the biggest upcoming market in the world. We could easily introduce our refined products to Chinese consumers through the strong sales network of ITAT.” Says Dave Forsery, CEO of S.D.

  It has been revealed that ITAT and S.D in the days to come will proceed to invite the Newcastle United Club to China and conduct major sports-marketing campaign during Beijing Olympics time.



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