T he com pany,w hichis close toregainingthetitleof thew orld"sbiggest carm akerbyvolum es from G eneral M otors,saidit w ouldtakea $1 .1bn pre-tax chargetocoverthecosts of settlingclaim s relatedtoreports thatits cars w ere prone tosudden,unintendedac-celeration.
“This was a difficult decision,especially sincereliable scientific evidence andm ultiple independentevaluations have confirm ed the safety of Toyota"selectronic throttle control system s,”ChristopherReynolds,general counselfor Toyota M otor Sales,U SA,said in a statem ent.
“T oyota is the one that is hit the hardestw henthe yenis high,”saidK oji Endo,anautos analyst at A dvancedR esearchinT okyo.“But it is alsothe one that benefits the m ostw henthe yenis low .”
“A s theyenw eakens,that verytight coststructuretheyhaveput inplacetom axim izeprofitability in an appreciated yen positionallow s them now tom akealot m oreprofit,”said L arry D om in ique,an an alyst atTrueCar.com andform er N issanexecutive.
T rueC ar.com分析师、日产汽车前高管LarryD om inique表示:“随着日元疲软,丰田在日元升值期间为利润最大化而推行的成本结构使他们现在能赚取更高利润。”(路透社)