§ 经营收入上升12.6%,为人民币708.64亿元
§ 调整后净利润上升13.3%,为人民币232.23亿元 (1)
§ 年化平均资产回报率为0.95%(2)
§ 调整后年化平均股本回报率为15.67%(3)
§ 资本充足率为13.15%
§ 成本对收入比率为41.65%
§ 拨备覆盖率为71.37%
§ 不良贷款率为3.51%
注︰(1)按照净利润扣除中国政府给予本行作为重组一部分的所得税税收优惠计算。 (2)平均资产回报率按照净利润除以该期期初及期末总资产的平均值后的两倍计算。(3)调整后年化平均股东权益回报率按照调整后股东应占净利润除以该期期初及期末股东应占权益总额的平均值的两倍计算。
香港,2006年8月24日 – 中国建设银行股份有限公司(「建设银行」)(股票编号:939)今天宣布中期业绩。
建行还积极推进一系列内部管理改革,以提升风险管理水平、客户服务水平和市场竞争能力。通过优化柜面业务流程、推进前后台分离、设立个贷审批中心等举措对业务流程进行再造,提高业务营运效率,服务效率提升10%,为客户提供更快捷便利的服务。全面推进风险管理体制改革,任命首席风险官、一级分行风险总监,形成垂直的风险管理框架;实行风险经理和客户经理并行操作制度,使风险关口前移;同时,进一步完善经济资本约束制度。继续推进机构调整,在保持机构总数稳中有降的前提下,增加东部发达地区机构网点,优化中西部网点布局;同时,继续推进机构扁平化,逐步推行矩阵式管理模式;加强“两洲一海”重点区域的发展力度,成立了珠江三角洲、环渤海地区、长江三角洲地区协调委员会,推动区域间联动协调;加速完善创新机制,强化全员创新意识,设立了产品创新中心,专门为中高端的个人和公司客户提供差别化特色理财(相关:证券 财经)产品和增值服务。建行的业务条线管理改革也在稳步推进,任命了批发业务总监、零售业务总监和投资理财总监,推行个人银行、信用卡等业务单元制的试点。人力资源管理也取得了一些新进展,包括正在研究制定股票增值权和员工持股计划,完善了劳动合同制度,实施全体员工培训等,其中建行上半年培训人数达16.71万人次。
建设银行银行卡业务发展达到历史同期最高水平。上半年银行卡实现收入较上年同期大幅增长30.0%。信用卡新增发卡量135万张,达 447万张,消费交易额较上年同期增长150%,新增商户超过7,000户。
郭董事长代表董事会感谢建行管理层及各级员工的努力和贡献,特别感谢本年离任的常振明先生和刘淑兰女士为建行做出的贡献,并对新任行长张建国先生及新加入董事会的罗哲夫先生、Lord Peter Levene先生表示欢迎。同时,他亦衷心感谢广大股东、客户和业务伙伴长期以来给予建行的信任和支持。
Ÿ 公司银行业务:向公司客户、政府机构客户和金融机构客户提供包括公司类贷款、贸易融资、存款、代理服务,以及顾问与咨询、现金管理、汇款及结算、托管及担保服务等多种金融产品和服务;
Ÿ 个人银行业务:向个人客户提供包括个人贷款、存款、银行卡、个人理财,以及汇款和证券代理服务等金融产品和服务;
Ÿ 资金业务;管理货币市场活动,包括银行间交易及回购交易;管理投资组合,包括持有证券作买卖及投资用途;以及代客交易,包括外汇及衍生工具交易。
--在英国《银行家》杂志2006年按照一级资本排名的“全球银行1000强”中列第11位。在该杂志2006年 “中国银行业100强”排名中居于榜首。荣获该杂志2006年颁布的“中国年度最佳银行奖”、“零售银行业务跨渠道经验产品奖”、“零售银行业务付款方式创新奖”。
--荣获中国互联网协会2006年颁布的 “中国网友喜爱的十大名牌”核心品牌奖,“龙卡”获得“中国网友喜爱的金融行业十佳品牌奖”。
* 业绩发布会材料将于8月24日闭市之后在中国建设银行股份有限公司网站(www.ccb.com)上公布。
China Construction Bank Corporation 2006 Interim Results - Highlights
§ Operating income rose 12.6 % to RMB 70,864 million
(RMB 62,922 million in the first half of 2005)
§ Net profit (adjusted) increased 13.3% to RMB 23,223 million(1)
(RMB 20,501million in the first half of 2005)
§ Annualized return on average assets of 0.95%(2)
§ Annualized return on average equity (adjusted) of 15.67%(3)
§ Capital adequacy ratio of 13.15 %
(13.57 % as at 31 December 2005)
§ Cost-to-income ratio of 41.65%
(45.13% as at 31 December 2005)
§ Allowances to non-performing loans ratio of 71.37%
(66.78% as at 31 December 2005)
§ Non-performing loan ratio of 3.51%
(3.84% as at 31 December 2005)
§ Note: (1)Profit is calculated after deducting the income tax benefits offered by the Chinese government in relation to the restructuring of the Bank; (2)Annualized return on average assets is calculated by dividing net profit by the average of total assets as of the beginning and end of the period, and doubling the resulted figure. (3)Annualized return on average equity is calculated by adjusted dividing net profit attributable to shareholders by adjusted equity attributable to shareholders as of the beginning and end of the period, and doubling the resulted figure.
Hong Kong, 24 August 2006 – The China Construction Bank Corporation (“CCB”) (Stock Code: 939) today announced its 2006 interim results.
For the six months ended June 30, 2006, CCB reported operating income of RMB 70,864 million, representing an increase of 12.6 % over the corresponding period of last year. On a comparable basis, net profit was RMB 23,223 million, representing a 13.3% increase over the corresponding period of last year. Earning per share was RMB0.10. Annualized return on average assets and annualized return on average equity were 0.95% and 15.67% respectively. Cost-to-income ratio was 41.65%; capital adequacy ratio was 13.15 %, and non-performing loan ratio decreased from 3.84% as at December 31, 2005 to 3.51%.
“In the first half of 2006, the Chinese economy experienced robust growth with steady increase in the income of urban and rural residents. There is also a slight rise in consumption, and the financial environment remains stable. All these factors helped us achieve a strong and healthy development,” said Mr. Guo Shuqing, Chairman of China Construction Bank Corporation.
During the period under review, CCB persisted in the efforts to implement its overall development strategies. The Bank accelerated the modification of its business structures, gradually increased resource deployment in coastal areas, boosted the development of its retail banking business, and achieved exceptional growth for its fee and commission-based services. The strategy of prioritising the development of branches in key cities was enhanced, with authorization expanded, resource deployment strengthened, and assessment and incentive programs in place. The total deposit and loan balances across the 80 branches in key cities accounted for approximately one percentage point more in the total amount of the big four commercial banks. Overseas expansion was actively pursued, with Hong Kong as a platform for the consolidation of overseas branches and resources, and solid results were achieved. The Department of Investment Banking was established to identify market opportunities, promote integrated business operations, consolidate and expand the underwriting business, realize asset securitisation and proceed with the businesses of financial consultancy and project financing. With an emphasis on long-term sustainable development, CCB enhanced its efforts in network expansion and technological development.
The internal management reforms of CCB also progressed smoothly to enhance the standards of risk management, customer service and competitiveness of the Bank. Through a wide array of measures, such as the optimization of teller operations, separation of front-end and back-end departments, and the establishment of a personal loan approval centre, CCB successfully enhanced its business efficiencies, as evidenced by the 10% increase in customer service efficiency to provide more effective and convenient services for customers. Reforms on risk management system progressed in a comprehensive manner, with the appointment of a Chief Risk Officer and risk supervisors in all tier-one branches to establish a vertical risk management framework. The parallel operation system of risk managers and customer managers was also implemented to enhance risk management. In addition, the economic capital control system was further optimised. While maintaining a gradual decrease in the total amount of branches, CCB expanded its branch network in the developed areas of Eastern China, and enhanced its network in Central and Western China. The matrix management model was also implemented gradually to continue the flattening of the branch network structure. Business development in the areas of Yangtze River, Pearl River Delta and Bohai was strengthened with the establishment of a dedicated committee to coordinate the connection and synergies of the three areas. New mechanisms were set up to promote innovation among all staff members, and a product innovation centre was established to provide distinctive financial products and value-added services for medium and high net worth personal and corporate customers. The reforms on business line management was also accomplished in healthy steps, with the appointment of a wholesale business director, retail business director and investment and financial business director, and the launch of pilot programs regarding personal banking and credit card businesses. New progresses were also made in human resources management, including the evaluation on stock appreciation rights and employee stock ownership programmes, the optimisation of employee contract system, and the implementation of training programmes for the entire staff force. During the first half of the year, the total number of CCB employees who received training reached 167,100 person-times.
During the first half of 2006, CCB improved its existing residential mortgage loan products, and introduced innovated products and combined financial services to meet the differentiated and individualised demands of its customers. As a result, the residential mortgage loan business recorded rapid growth and became a significant business driver in the period. The balance of residential mortgage loans of CCB surged 12.5% to RMB 391,875 million as at 30 June 2006, the highest growth among all PRC banks.
The fee and commission-based services of CCB also achieved impressive results, with net fee and commission income for the first half of the year increased by 60.6% to RMB 6,274 million compared with the same period last year. Net fee and commission income represented 8.85% of the operating income of CCB, compared with 6.21% for the same period last year, reflecting the increased efforts and resources invested to push forward the fee and commission-based services.
The bank card business expansion reached a historic high in the first half of the year. The realized fee income from the bank card business recorded a significant increase of 30.0% compared with the same period last year. The number credit cards in circulation increased by 1.35 million and reached 4.47 million during the period. The total spending amount increased by 150% over the same period last year, and over 7,000 merchants were newly acquired by the Bank.
There was breakthrough growth in the customer-driven Renminbi and foreign currency dealings. Acting as lead underwriter of short-term financial notes totalling RMB 43,500 million, CCB maintained its leading position in the market. The Bank became one of the first market-makers in Renminbi participating in the inter-bank foreign currency market in January 2006. The growth of CCB’s trade-related foreign currency exchange and settlement business amounted to US$48,933 million, up 30.4% from the same period last year. The volume of foreign currency derivative transactions conducted on behalf of customers reached US$6 billion, an increase of 102.4% over the same period last year.
CCB actively proceeded with the reform of its risk management system with impressive results. Thanks to the growing credit business, a steady improvement was achieved in the credit asset quality, with the non-performing loan ratio decreasing to 3.51% at the end of the period from 3.84% at the end of last year. The non-performing loan ratio in the manufacturing, transportation, warehousing and postal, electricity, gas and water production and supply, and real estate development sectors, which accounted for a higher proportion in the credit business of CCB, also showed improvement.
During the first half of 2006, CCB continued to implement its customer-centric culture in system reforms, business process reengineering and product innovation. The Bank received high regards from the market with its endeavour to provide customers with comprehensive and competitive financial products and services. According to the surveys conducted by local as well as foreign media and intermediary organizations, CCB has surpassed all competitors in mainland China to become the commercial bank with the best integrated service, highest profitability, strongest competitiveness and best risk control.
After the press conference, the CCB management reiterated the commitment of the Bank to further enhancing its corporate governance and improving its competitiveness and profitability by seizing market opportunities and promoting innovation, so as to progress towards the Bank’s objective of becoming a world class commercial bank that provides the best possible service to customers, maximizes shareholders’ value and provides the best development opportunities for employees.
On behalf of the Board of Directors, Mr. Guo expressed sincere gratitude s to the dedication and hard work of the management and staff, in particular the valuable contributions of Mr. Chang Zhenming and Ms. Liu Shulan, who left office this year, and welcomed the new president Mr. Zhang Jianguo, and the new directors, Mr. Luo Zhefu and Mr.Lord Peter Levene, to the Board of Directors. He also thanked the shareholders, customers and business partners for their generous support and confidence placed to CCB.
Corporate Profile
The history of China Construction Bank Corporation (“we” or the “Bank”) as one of the big four commercial banks dates back to 1954 when the People’s Construction Bank of China was founded, and was renamed China Construction Bank in 1996. The Bank was formed in September 2004 as a result of a separation of our predecessor, China Construction Bank, and we succeeded to its commercial banking business and related assets and liabilities.
Headquartered in Beijing, as of 30 June 2006, we had a network of 13,847 branches and sub-branches in Mainland China and maintained overseas branches in Hong Kong, Singapore, Frankfurt, Johannesburg, Tokyo and Seoul, and representative offices in New York and London, with more than 300,000 employees. According to The Banker magazine in July 2006, we ranked 11th among the world’s top 1000 banks based on tier-one capital.
Our business consists of three principal business segments:
l Corporate banking, which provides financial products and services to corporations, government agencies and financial institutions, including corporate loans, trade financing, deposit taking, agency services, consulting and advisory, cash management, remittance, settlement, custody and guarantee services;
l Personal banking, which provides financial products and services to individual customers, including personal loans, deposit taking, bank cards, personal wealth management, remittance and securities agency services; and
l Treasury operations, which manage our money market activities, consisting of inter-bank transactions and repurchase transactions; manage our investment portfolio, including securities held for both trading and investment purposes; and conduct trading on behalf of customers, including foreign currency and derivatives trading.
Our shares began trading on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited on 27 October 2005 (Stock Code: 939).
Accolades and Rankings of CCB
l Awarded the 11th place and the first place respectively on the lists of “Top 1000 Global Banks” and “Top 100 PRC Banks”, which are compiled based on tier-one capital, and named “Best Chinese Bank of the Year,” “Retail Banking Cross-channel Experience Product Award” and “Retail Banking Payment Innovation Award” by The Banker magazine in 2006
l Secured the seventh place on the list of “Top 300 Asian Banks” released by Asiaweek in 2006, which is compiled based on total assets. Also being recognized as the bank with the “highest net interest income” and the “highest net profit”, and therefore rated as the “most profitable bank in Asia.”
l Ranked the 65th on the list of “The World’s Biggest Public Companies” released by Forbes in 2006, which is compiled based on sales, profit, assets and market capitalization. The ranking is the second among all Chinese banks
l Ranked the 277th on the list of “Fortune 500” released by Fortune in 2006, which is complied based on operating income
l Awarded “The Best Chinese Bank” by The Asset in 2006
l Topped the list of “Top 100 Asian Banks”, which is complied based on net income, ranked the 5th on the list of “FinanceAsia 100”, which is compiled based on net profits from 2003 to 2005, and awarded the “Best Management Company,” “Best Dividend Payout Company” and “Best Corporate Governance Compliance Company” by FinanceAsia in 2006
l Awarded “Best Financial Risk Management Award in China” by The Asia Risk in 2006
l Awarded “Best Custodian Bank in China” by The Global Custodian in 2006
l Awarded Core Brand Award in the “Top 10 Brands Favoured by Chinese Internet Surfers,” and CCB “Long Card” named one of the “Top 10 Financial Brands Favoured by Chinese Internet Surfers” by the Internet Society of China in 2006.
Attached CCB’s unaudited consolidated income statement, balance sheet and cash flow statement for the six months ended 30 June 2006 for reference.
Forward Looking Statements
This press release contains certain forward-looking statements regarding the group's financial condition, operating results and businesses. Such forward looking statements represent the group's expectations of or beliefs in future events, and involve known or unknown risks and uncertain factors that may lead to material deviations of actual results, performance or events from the results, performance or events explicitly stated or implied in such statements. Certain statements, e.g., those containing words such as "potential”, "estimate", and similar wordings or different expressions of such wording, may all be considered "forward - looking statements".
* Materials distributed at the Results Presentation will be posted up on CCB’s website at www.ccb.com after the market closed for the day of August 24,2006. (责任编辑:孙可嘉) |