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财经中心 > 产经新闻 > 第一财经周刊"魔"登创刊:每周出版的商业新闻杂志







  China Business Network Co., Ltd. (CBN), solely owned by Shanghai Media Group (SMG), is the leading business information portal in China and the only professional business network focusing on investors. CBN operates on a range of platforms including television, radio, newspaper, weekly, research institute and websites. It shares Dow Jones, CNBC, Bloomberg L. P. and other information providers’ contents, market index, business and financial information. It has based its headquarter in Shanghai and provides the world with first-hand business and investment information about China.

  Shanghai Media Group (SMG) combines traditional and new media services including radio, television, newspaper and periodicals, internet, IPTV and etc. SMG is at present the second largest media group in China, competing with China Central Television (CCTV).



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宋美龄牛奶洗澡 中共卧底结局 慈禧不快乐 侵略中国报告

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