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  1. Ordinary Customs Duties

  87. Members of the Working Party welcomed China's decision to bind tariffs for all products in its schedule on market access for goods. This action would increase the certainty and predictability of this aspect of China's trade regime. Members also noted the substantial unilateral tariff reductions made in many sectors by China in recent years.

  88. The representative of China provided members of the Working Party with a copy of the Customs Import and Export Tariff of the People's Republic of China ("Customs Tariff") and related laws and regulations. He noted that the Customs Tariff of China was a charge imposed on imported goods. The purpose of levying tariffs was twofold: (a) to regulate imports so as to promote and support domestic production; and (b) to serve as an important source of revenue for the treasury of the central government. China's tariff policy was to promote economic reform and opening of the economy. The basic principles for establishing duty rates were as follows. Duty-free or low duty rates were applied to imported goods which were needed for the national economy and the people's livelihood but which were not produced sufficiently domestically. Import duty rates on raw materials were generally lower than those on semi-manufactured or manufactured products. For parts or components of machinery, equipment and instruments which were not produced domestically, or at a sufficiently high standard, the import duty was lower than the duty on finished products. Higher duty rates were applied to products which were produced domestically or which were considered non-essential for the national economy and the people's livelihood. A higher duty was applied to imported products, the equivalent of which were produced domestically and the local manufacturer of which needed protection.

  89. The representative of China said that China had adopted the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System ("HS") as from 1 January 1992 and joined the International Convention on the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System in the same year. There were 21 sections, 97 chapters and 7062 eight-digit tariff headings based on the six-digit HS'96 version in the Customs Tariff for the year 2000. Tariff rates were fixed by the State Council. Partial adjustment to the duty rates was subject to deliberation and final decision by the State Council Tariff Commission. The simple average of China's import duties in 2000 was 16.4 per cent. Among the 7062 tariff headings, tariff rates for 525 headings were below 5 per cent, 1488 were between 5 per cent (inclusive) and 10 per cent (exclusive), 2022 between 10 per cent (inclusive) and 15 per cent (inclusive) and 3027 were above 15 per cent. Information on tariff rates for specific products and import statistical data for recent years had been provided to the Working Party.

  90. He also noted that currently there were two columns of import duty rates: general rates and preferential rates. The preferential rates applied to imports originating in countries and regions with which China had concluded reciprocal tariff agreements, whereas the general rates applied to imports from other sources.

  91. The representative of China confirmed that for wood and paper products, the same rates of duty, including the rates applied under a preference programme, customs union or free-trade area, would be applied to all imports of wood and paper products. The Working Party took note of this commitment.

  92. The representative of China confirmed that upon accession China would participate in the Information Technology Agreement ("ITA") and would eliminate tariffs on all information technology products as set out in China's schedule. Furthermore, upon accession, China would eliminate all other duties and charges for ITA products. The Working Party took note of these commitments.

  93. Certain members of the Working Party expressed particular concerns about tariff treatment in the auto sector. In response to questions about the tariff treatment for kits for motor vehicles, the representative of China confirmed that China had no tariff lines for completely knocked-down kits for motor vehicles or semi-knocked down kits for motor vehicles. If China created such tariff lines, the tariff rates would be no more than 10 per cent. The Working Party took note of this commitment.

  94. Without prejudice to its rights to participate in the WTO process, the representative of China confirmed China's commitment to support the tariff liberalization proposal outlined in WT/GC/W/138/Add.1 (22 April 1999) and that it would participate fully in any tariff liberalization initiative based on this proposal that WTO Members might accept for implementation.

  95. China undertook bilateral market access negotiations on goods with members of the Working Party. The results of those negotiations were contained in the Schedule of Concessions and Commitments on Goods and formed Annex 8 to the Draft Protocol.

  2. Other Duties and Charges

  96. The representative of China confirmed that China had agreed to bind at zero other duties and charges in its Schedule of Concessions and Commitments, pursuant to Article II:1(b) of the GATT 1994. The Working Party took note of this commitment.

  3. Rules of Origin

  97. Some members of the Working Party requested information about the adoption and application of rules of origin in China, whether in the context of free trade agreements or otherwise, and also requested China to confirm that its rules of origin for both preferential and non-preferential trade complied fully with the WTO Agreement on Rules of Origin.

  98. The representative of China noted that the criteria for making the determination of substantial transformation was: (a) change in tariff classification of a four-digit tariff line in the Customs Tariff; or (b) the value-added component was 30 per cent or more in the total value of a new product.

  99. He further noted that under current arrangements, and in accordance with the criteria outlined above, when an imported product was processed and manufactured in several countries, the country of origin of the product was determined to be the last country in which the product underwent substantial transformation. The rules of origin applied for statistical purposes were the same.

  100. The representative of China stated that China's rules of origin for import and export were non-preferential rules of origin. Once the international harmonization of non-preferential rules of origin was concluded, China would fully adopt and apply the internationally harmonized non-preferential rules of origin. A mechanism that met the requirements of Articles 2(h) and 3(f), and Annex II, paragraph 3(d) of the Agreement, which required provision upon request of an assessment of the origin of an import or an export and outlined the terms under which it would be provided, would be established in China's legal framework by the date of accession. The Working Party took note of these commitments.

  101. The representative of China further stated that China would not use the rules of origin as an instrument to pursue trade objectives directly or indirectly. He also confirmed that China would apply rules of origin equally for all purposes. The Working Party took note of these commitments.

  102. The representative of China confirmed that from the date of accession, China would ensure that its laws, regulations and other measures relating to rules of origin would be in full conformity with the WTO Agreement on Rules of Origin and that it would implement such laws, regulations and other measures in full conformity with that Agreement. The Working Party took note of this commitment.

  4. Fees and Charges for Services Rendered

  103. Members of the Working Party noted that as a condition of accession, China should undertake a commitment to ensure conformity of customs fees and charges with Article VIII of the GATT 1994. The representative of China confirmed that China would comply with Article VIII of GATT 1994 in this regard. The Working Party took note of this commitment.

  5. Application of Internal Taxes to Imports

  104. Some members of the Working Party expressed concern that some internal taxes applied to imports, including a value-added tax ("VAT") were not administered in conformity with the requirements of the GATT 1994, particularly Article III. Those members of the Working Party noted that China appeared to permit the application of discriminatory internal taxes and charges to imported goods and services, including taxes and charges applied by sub-national authorities. Those members requested that China reaffirm that all such internal taxes and charges would be in conformity with the requirements of the GATT 1994.

  105. In response, the representative of China noted that there were three major types of taxes levied on products and services: (a) VAT levied on goods and services for processing, maintenance and assembling; (b) the Consumption Tax on some selected consumer products; and (c) the Business Tax on providing services, transferring intangible assets and selling real estate. Both the VAT and the Consumption Tax were applicable to entities importing goods. VAT and the Consumption Tax on imported goods were collected by General Customs Administration ("Customs") at the point of entry. He noted that VAT was reimbursed once goods were exported. Exported goods were exempted from the Consumption Tax.

  106. He further noted that the State Council determined all policies concerning the levying of VAT and the Consumption Tax, adjustment of tax types and tax rates (tax value), as well as the tax exemption of VAT, the Consumption Tax and the Business Tax. The laws and regulations were interpreted and implemented by the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation. VAT and the Consumption Tax were levied and administered by the State competent departments of taxation, while the Business Tax was collected and administered by the local competent departments of taxation.

  107. The representative of China confirmed that from the date of accession, China would ensure that its laws, regulations and other measures relating to internal taxes and charges levied on imports would be in full conformity with its WTO obligations and that it would implement such laws, regulations and other measures in full conformity with those obligations. The Working Party took note of this commitment.

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