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BUSINESS.SOHU.COM 2004年7月13日14:29 来源:[ 搜狐财经 ]
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  130. The representative of China stated that China would allocate quotas in accordance with the following criteria and procedures which would be published in advance and would be applied in conformity with WTO requirements, including the Agreement on Import Licensing Procedures. In applying these criteria, China would consider the need to allow for equitable participation by producers from WTO Members and take into account the need to maximize the potential for quota fill.

  (a) (i) If the relevant quota quantity exceeded total requests for quota allocations, all requests would be approved.

  (ii) In other cases, the criteria for allocation would be as follows:

  Historical performance of applicants where relevant (in cases in which average imports over the 3-year period immediately prior to the year of China's accession, for which data was available, amounted to less than 75 per cent of the relevant quota, it would be necessary to take into account other criteria inter alia as set forth below);

  - Production or processing capacity, in the case of intermediate products and raw materials;

  - Experience and ability in producing, importing, marketing, or servicing in international markets, in the case of finished products or products destined for wholesale or retail distribution;

  (b) (i) In cases in which average imports over the 3-year period immediately prior to the year of China's accession, for which data was available, exceeded 75 per cent of the relevant quota, applicants that had not previously been allocated quota would be allocated 10 per cent of the total quota in the first year and the majority of any quota growth in any subsequent year.

  (ii) In other cases :

  - In the first year, 25 per cent of the total quota would be allocated to applicants that had not previously been allocated quota; however, an applicant that had imported under a quota on the relevant products in the year prior to China's accession would not receive a decrease in the absolute amount of its quota allocation;

  - In the second year, for the amount of the quota growth as well as an amount equivalent to the amount of any quota that had not been filled in the previous year, China would give priority consideration to requests from enterprises with foreign ownership equal to or less than 50 per cent;

  - In the third and fourth year, if relevant, for the amount of the quota growth as well as an amount equivalent to the amount of any quota that had not been filled in the previous year, China would give priority consideration to requests from enterprises with foreign ownership greater than 50 per cent.

  (c) In all cases, a quota-holder receiving an initial allocation that had fully utilized or contracted for its quota allocation would, upon application, receive an allocation in the following year for a quantity no less than the quantity imported in the previous year. A quota-holder that did not import its full allocation would receive a proportional reduction in its quota allocation in the subsequent year unless the quantity was returned for reallocation by 1 September.

  The Working Party took note of these commitments.

  131. The representative of China confirmed that all commercial terms of trade, including product specifications, product mix, pricing, and packaging, would be at the sole discretion of the quota holder, so long as the products are within the relevant quota category. Allocations would be valid for any article or mixture of articles subject to the same quota as specified in Annex 3 of the Draft Protocol. Allocations would be valid for a period of one calendar year from the opening of the quota import period. However, if the holder of a quota allocation had not contracted for import of the total quantity allocated to the holder by 1 September, the holder was to immediately return the unused portion of the allocation to the relevant authority which would reallocate the quota immediately, if unfilled requests were pending, or otherwise within 10 days after receipt of a request for an allocation. The relevant organization would publish notice of the availability of additional allocations after collecting any unused quotas returned by the quota holders. Licences for goods imported under reallocated quota would be extended once, upon request, for up to 3 months, if the request was made before 15 December of the current quota year. Imports occurring under an extended licence would be counted against the relevant quota amount for the year in which the re-allocation took place. The Working Party took note of these commitments.

  9. Import Licensing

  132. The representative of China confirmed that the list of all entities responsible for the authorization or approval of imports would be updated and republished in the official journal, the MOFTEC Gazette, within one month of any change thereto. The Working Party took note of this commitment.

  133. In response to requests for additional information about its system of import licensing, the representative of China said that the import licensing system was administered without discrimination among countries or regions. In 1984, the State Council had promulgated the "Interim Regulations on Licensing System for Import Commodities", and MOFTEC and Customs had issued "Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Interim Regulations on Licensing System for Import Commodities". The Interim Regulations were uniformly implemented throughout China. In 1999, of the total import value of US$ 165.7 billion, imports subject to licensing represented 8.45 per cent, covering US$ 14 billion. MOFTEC determined which products should be subject to import licensing according to the relevant provisions of the "Foreign Trade Law".

  134. The representative of China further stated that in 1993, China had applied import restrictions to 53 product categories. By 1999, the number had been reduced to 35. Products covered were (1) Processed oil; (2) Wool; (3) Polyester fibre; (4) Acrylic fibres; (5) Polyester fillet; (6) Natural rubber; (7) Vehicles tyres; (8) Sodium cyanide; (9) Sugar; (10) Fertilizer; (11) Tobacco and its products; (12) Acetate tow; (13) Cotton; (14) Motor vehicles and their key parts; (15) Motorcycles and their engines and chassises; (16) Colour television sets and TV kinescope; (17) Radios, tape recorders and their main parts; (18) Refrigerators and their compressor; (19) Washing machines; (20) Recording equipment and its key parts; (21) Cameras and their bodies (without lenses); (22) Watches; (23) Air conditioners and their compressor; (24) Audio and video tape duplication equipment; (25) Crane lorries and their chassises; (26) Electronic microscopes; (27) Open-end spinning machines; (28) Electronic colour scanners; (29) Grain; (30) Vegetable oil; (31) Wine; (32) Colour sensitive material; (33) Chemical under supervision and control that were used for chemical weapon; (34) Chemicals used to produce narcotics; and (35) Laser disc production facilities. He also noted that in 1999, there were 13 commodity categories which were imported by the foreign trade companies designated by MOFTEC. These categories were as follows: (1) Processed oil; (2) Fertilizer; (3) Tobacco; (4) Vegetable oil; (5) Grain; (6) Natural rubber; (7) Wool; (8) Acrylic fibers; (9) Sugar; (10) Cotton; (11) Crude oil; (12) Steel; and (13) Plywood.

  135. Concerning the granting and administration of import licences, the representative of China said that the examination and approval of the licence took two to three working days. Applications for import licences could be submitted to the Quota and Licence Administrative Bureau of MOFTEC, or Special Commissioner Offices in 16 provinces, or Commissions of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade of various provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the central government and those with independent budgetary status. Licensing agencies authorized by MOFTEC could issue import licences on the basis of import documents submitted by the applicants, approved by the competent departments. A licence could not be bought, sold or transferred, and was valid for one calendar year. Import licences could be extended once for up to three months.

  136. Some members of the Working Party expressed concern that China's Provisional Procedures for the Administration of Automatic Registration for the Import of Special Commodities (13 August 1994), in particular the criteria for approval of registration, would act as a restraint on imports. The representative of China emphasized that the purpose of the registration system was only to gather statistical information. He confirmed that China would bring its automatic licensing system into conformity with Article 2 of the Agreement on Import Licensing Procedures upon accession. The Working Party took note of this commitment.

  137. Some members of the Working Party noted that enterprises and individuals seeking to import products subject to tariff quota administration requirements had to go through extensive procedures to receive a quota allocation and that the quota certificate would indicate whether the subject good was to be imported through a state trading enterprise or a non-state trading enterprise and would be valid for a certain period of time. Moreover, the entity importing the good would need trading rights. In the light of these multiple requirements, a quota allocation certificate should satisfy any import licensing requirement that might apply.

  138. The representative of China confirmed that China would not require a separate import licence approval for goods subject to a TRQ allocation requirement but would provide any necessary import licence in the procedure that granted a quota allocation. The Working Party took note of this commitment.

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