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财经中心 > 中国金融观察 > 金融聚焦





  Overview of the Field and Coverage of the Book


  Prerequisites and Further Reading

  Some Important Omissions


  I An Economic Overview of Corporate Institutions

  1 Corporate Governance

  1.1 Introduction: The Separation of Ownership and Control

  1.2 Managerial Incentives: An Overview

  1.3 The Board of Directors

  1.4 Investor Activism

  1.5 Takeovers and Leveraged Buyouts

  1.6 Debt as a Governance Mechanism

  1.7 International Comparisons of the Policy Environment

  1.8 Shareholder Value or Stakeholder Society?

  Supplementary Section

  1.9 The Stakeholder Society: Incentives and Control Issues


  1.10 Cadbury Report

  1.11 Notes to Tables


  2 Corporate Financing:Some Stylized Facts

  2.1 Introduction

  2.2 Modigliani?Miller and the Financial Structure Puzzle

  2.3 Debt Instruments

  2.4 Equity Instruments

  2.5 Financing Patterns

  2.6 Conclusion


  2.7 The Five Cs of Credit Analysis

  2.8 Loan Covenants


  II Corporate Financing and Agency Costs

  3 Outside Financing Capacity

  3.1 Introduction

  3.2 The Role of Net Worth: A Simple Model of Credit Rationing

  3.3 Debt Overhang

  3.4 Borrowing Capacity: The Equity Multiplier

  Supplementary Sections

  3.5 Related Models of Credit Rationing:Inside Equity and Outside Debt

  3.6 Verifiable Income

  3.7 Semiverifiable Income

  3.8 Nonverifiable Income

  3.9 Exercises


  4 Some Determinants of Borrowing Capacity

  4.1 Introduction: The Quest for Pledgeable Income

  4.2 Boosting the Ability to Borrow:Diversification and Its Limits

  4.3 Boosting the Ability to Borrow:The Costs and Benefits of Collateralization

  4.4 The Liquidity?Accountability Tradeoff

  4.5 Restraining the Ability to Borrow:Inalienability of Human Capital

  Supplementary Sections

  4.6 Group Lending and Microfinance

  4.7 Sequential Projects

  4.8 Exercises


  5 Liquidity and Risk Management, Free Cash Flow, and Long-Term Finance

  5.1 Introduction

  5.2 The Maturity of Liabilities

  5.3 The Liquidity?Scale Tradeoff

  5.4 Corporate Risk Management

  5.5 Endogenous Liquidity Needs, the Sensitivity of Investment to Cash Flow,and the Soft Budget Constraint

  5.6 Free Cash Flow

  5.7 Exercises


  6 Corporate Financing under Asymmetric Information

  6.1 Introduction

  6.2 Implications of the Lemons Problem and of Market Breakdown

  6.3 Dissipative Signals

  Supplementary Section

  6.4 Contract Design by an Informed Party:An Introduction


  6.5 Optimal Contracting in the Privately-Known-Prospects Model

  6.6 The Debt Bias with a Continuum of Possible Incomes

  6.7 Signaling through Costly Collateral

  6.8 Short Maturities as a Signaling Device

  6.9 Formal Analysis of the Underpricing Problem

  6.10 Exercises


  7 Topics: Product Markets and Earnings Manipulations

  7.1 Corporate Finance and Product Markets

  7.2 Creative Accounting and Other Earnings Manipulations

  Supplementary Section

  7.3 Brander and Lewis’s Cournot Analysis

  7.4 Exercises


  III Exit and Voice: Passive and Active Monitoring

  8 Investors of Passage: Entry, Exit, and Speculation

  8.1 General Introduction to Monitoring in Corporate Finance

  8.2 Performance Measurement and the Value of Speculative Information

  8.3 Market Monitoring

  8.4 Monitoring on the Debt Side:Liquidity-Draining versus Liquidity-Neutral Runs

  8.5 Exercises


  9 Lending Relationships and Investor Activism

  9.1 Introduction

  9.2 Basics of Investor Activism

  9.3 The Emergence of Share Concentration

  9.4 Learning by Lending

  9.5 Liquidity Needs of Large Investors and Short-Termism

  9.6 Exercises


  IV Security Design:The Control Right View

  10 Control Rights and Corporate Governance

  10.1 Introduction

  10.2 Pledgeable Income and the Allocation of Control Rights between Insiders and Outsiders

  10.3 Corporate Governance and Real Control

  10.4 Allocation of Control Rights among Securityholders

  Supplementary Sections

  10.5 Internal Capital Markets

  10.6 Active Monitoring and Initiative

  10.7 Exercises


  11 Takeovers

  11.1 Introduction

  11.2 The Pure Theory of Takeovers:A Framework

  11.3 Extracting the Raider’s Surplus:Takeover Defenses as Monopoly Pricing

  11.4 Takeovers and Managerial Incentives

  11.5 Positive Theory of Takeovers:Single-Bidder Case

  11.6 Value-Decreasing Raider and the One-Share?One-Vote Result

  11.7 Positive Theory of Takeovers:Multiple Bidders

  11.8 Managerial Resistance

  11.9 Exercise


  V Security Design:The Demand Side View

  12 Consumer Liquidity Demand

  12.1 Introduction

  12.2 Consumer Liquidity Demand:The Diamond?Dybvig Model and the Term Structure of Interest Rates

  12.3 Runs

  12.4 Heterogenous Consumer Horizons and the Diversity of Securities

  Supplementary Sections

  12.5 Aggregate Uncertainty and Risk Sharing

  12.6 Private Signals and Uniqueness in Bank Run Models

  12.7 Exercises


  VI Macroeconomic Implications and the Political Economy of Corporate Finance

  13 Credit Rationing and Economic Activity

  13.1 Introduction

  13.2 Capital Squeezes and Economic Activity:The Balance-Sheet Channel

  13.3 Loanable Funds and the Credit Crunch:The Lending Channel

  13.4 Dynamic Complementarities:Net Worth Effects, Poverty Traps,and the Financial Accelerator

  13.5 Dynamic Substitutabilities:The Deflationary Impact of Past Investment

  13.6 Exercises


  14 Mergers and Acquisitions, and the Equilibrium Determination of Asset Values

  14.1 Introduction

  14.2 Valuing Specialized Assets

  14.3 General Equilibrium Determination of Asset Values, Borrowing Capacities,and Economic Activity:The Kiyotaki?Moore Model

  14.4 Exercises


  15 Aggregate Liquidity Shortages and Liquidity Asset Pricing

  15.1 Introduction

  15.2 Moving Wealth across States of Nature:When Is Inside Liquidity Sufficient?

  15.3 Aggregate Liquidity Shortages and Liquidity Asset Pricing

  15.4 Moving Wealth across Time:The Case of the Corporate Sector as a Net Lender

  15.5 Exercises


  16 Institutions, Public Policy, and the Political Economy of Finance

  16.1 Introduction

  16.2 Contracting Institutions

  16.3 Property Rights Institutions

  16.4 Political Alliances

  Supplementary Sections

  16.5 Contracting Institutions,Financial Structure, and Attitudes toward Reform

  16.6 Property Rights Institutions:Are Privately Optimal Maturity Structures Socially Optimal?

  16.7 Exercises


  VII Answers to Selected Exercises, and Review Problems

  Answers to Selected Exercises

  Review Problems

  Answers to Selected Review Problems





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