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BUSINESS.SOHU.COM 2004年7月13日14:34 来源:[ 搜狐财经 ]
页面功能 【我来说两句】【我要“揪”错】【推荐】【字体: 】【打印】 【关闭


  1. Taxes and Charges Levied on Imports and Exports

  169. Some members of the Working Party expressed concern about the application of the VAT and additional charges levied by sub-national governments on imports. Non-discriminatory application of the VAT and other internal taxes was deemed essential.

  170. The representative of China confirmed that upon accession, China would ensure that its laws and regulations relating to all fees, charges or taxes levied on imports and exports would be in full conformity with its WTO obligations, including Articles I, III:2 and 4, and XI:1 of the GATT 1994, and that it would also implement such laws and regulations in full conformity with these obligations. The Working Party took note of this commitment.

  2. Industrial Policy, including Subsidies

  171. Some members of the Working Party expressed concern that the special features of China's economy, in its present state of reform, still created the potential for a certain level of trade-distorting subsidization; this could have an impact not only on access to China's domestic market, but also on the performance of Chinese exports in the markets of other WTO Members, and should be subject to effective SCM Agreement disciplines. In view of this, some members felt that it would be inappropriate for China to benefit from certain provisions of Article 27. The representative of China, in turn, considered that certain provisions of this Article should be available to China, and informed the Working Party of the efforts being undertaken, as part of its ongoing reform process, to reduce the availability of certain types of subsidies. China was committed to implementing the SCM Agreement in a manner that was fair and equitable to China and to other WTO Members. In line with this approach, the representative of China stated his intention to reserve the right to benefit from the provisions of Articles 27.10, 27.11, 27.12 and 27.15 of the SCM Agreement, while confirming that China would not seek to invoke Articles 27.8, 27.9 and 27.13 of the SCM Agreement. The Working Party took note of these commitments.

  172. Some members of the Working Party, in view of the special characteristics of China's economy, sought to clarify that when state-owned enterprises (including banks) provided financial contributions, they were doing so as government actors within the scope of Article 1.1(a) of the SCM Agreement. The representative of China noted, however, that such financial contributions would not necessarily give rise to a benefit within the meaning of Article 1.1(b) of the SCM Agreement. He pointed out that China's objective was that state-owned enterprises, including banks, should be run on a commercial basis and be responsible for their own profits and losses. The Working Party took note of this commitment.

  173. Some members of the Working Party, while understanding the difficulties involved in gathering information, raised concerns over the comprehensiveness of the subsidy notification which China had provided in Annexes 5A and 5B to the Draft Protocol, as last modified on 31 May 2000. Some members of the Working Party explained that, as an illustration of the above, certain types of subsidies did not appear in Annexes 5A and 5B. Those members of the Working Party first identified state support through the banking system, notably government-owned banks, in the form of policy loans, the automatic roll-over of unpaid principal and interest, forgiven and non-performing loans, and the selective use of below-market interest rates. Some members also referred to unreported tax subsidies, investment subsidies and subsidies provided by sub-national governments, some of which favoured exporting firms. Other members mentioned subsidies granted to the telecommunications, footwear, coal and shipbuilding sectors. The representative of China explained that, in common with many other Members, China had experienced difficulty in obtaining accurate data about all types of subsidies. He also indicated that China was attempting to reduce the availability of certain types of subsidies, in particular by reforming its tax system and making government-owned banks operate on a commercial basis. The representative of China stated that China would progressively work towards a full notification of subsidies, as contemplated by Article 25 of the SCM Agreement. The Working Party took note of this commitment.

  174. Some members of the Working Party also raised concerns regarding the subsidies that China provided in connection with SEZs and other special economic areas. Some of these appeared to be contingent upon export performance or on the use of domestic goods. The representative of China noted that the main purpose of such subsidies was to promote regional development and foreign investment. He confirmed that China would, upon accession, eliminate any such subsidies which were inconsistent with the SCM Agreement. The Working Party took note of this commitment.

  175. Some members of the Working Party requested information from China on the Steel Import Substitution Programme, which appeared to provide export subsidies to the big four steel groups in China. In response, the representative of China clarified that China did not collect VAT on imported and domestically produced steel used as raw material for the processing trade. Such a policy, in his view, was consistent with WTO rules and the practices of many WTO Members, and thus should not be considered as subsidies.

  176. Some members of the Working Party requested information from China on the "China High-Tech Product Export Catalogue", which set forth central government export policies for the telecommunications, computer software, aviation and aerospace, lasers, pharmaceuticals, medical equipment, new materials and energy industries. In response, the representative of China clarified that products listed in the Catalogue would enjoy full VAT rebate treatment, while other exported products would only be given partial VAT rebate treatment. Such a policy, in his view, was consistent with Article XVI of the GATT 1994 and relevant Annexes of the SCM Agreement. He further confirmed that the VAT rebates were applied only to exported products and not to domestically consumed products.

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