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BUSINESS.SOHU.COM 2004年7月13日14:34 来源:[ 搜狐财经 ]
页面功能 【我来说两句】【我要“揪”错】【推荐】【字体: 】【打印】 【关闭

  191. Some members of the Working Party expressed concern about a conformity assessment procedure, and the application thereof, known as the Safety Licence System for Import Commodities ("the System"), which was described in Article 22 of the Law and Article 38 of the Implementing Regulations. They stated that it was inconsistent with the principle of national treatment and constituted an unnecessary obstacle to international trade (e.g., due to the frequent plant inspections required). In response, the representative of China confirmed that, for technical regulations and conformity assessment procedures related to goods currently subject to the Safety Licence System for Import Commodities, relevant legislation and regulations would be brought into full conformity with the TBT Agreement by the date of accession. The Working Party took note of this commitment

  192. Responding to the concerns of members of the Working Party, the representative of China confirmed that to eliminate unnecessary barriers to trade, China would not maintain multiple or duplicative conformity assessment procedures, nor would it impose requirements exclusively on imported products. The Working Party took note of this commitment.

  193. Some members of the Working Party expressed concern with respect to the confidentiality of information in connection with conformity assessment procedures undertaken by China. In response, the representative of China confirmed that China would fully implement the obligations of Article 5.2.4 of the TBT Agreement in this regard. The Working Party took note of this commitment.

  194. Some members of the Working Party expressed concern about China's practice of not accepting the results of conformity assessment by bodies in other WTO Members. In this regard, those members noted the obligation of unilateral acceptance of the results of conformity assessment as described in Article 6.1 of the TBT Agreement. The representative of China responded that products certified by bodies recognized by China would require no additional conformity assessment procedures in China, except for random sampling of said products. Furthermore, where random sampling was undertaken and China's test results differed from the test results of competent bodies in other WTO Members, the representative of China confirmed that China would act in accordance with international guidelines and recommendations, where these existed, or would provide a process of review with the objective of resolving such differences. Some members of the Working Party requested China to make public and update on an ongoing basis information on conformity assessment bodies that were recognized by China. The representative of China confirmed that China would provide this information. The Working Party took note of these commitments.

  195. Concerning foreign and joint-venture conformity assessment bodies, certain members of the Working Party noted that China should not maintain requirements which had the effect of acting as barriers to their operation, unless otherwise specified in China's Schedule of Specific Commitments. The representative of China replied that China would not maintain such requirements. Some members also observed that all foreign or joint venture conformity assessment bodies that met China's requirements should be eligible for accreditation and accorded national treatment. The representative of China confirmed that the accreditation requirements would be transparent and provide national treatment to foreign conformity assessment bodies. The Working Party took note of these commitments.

  196. Some members of the Working Party raised specific concerns regarding such matters as (a) registration of initial imports of chemical products, (b) procedures to obtain and apply "CCIB" safety mark and the "Great Wall" mark, (c) automobiles and parts, and (d) the safety and quality licence system for boilers and pressure vessels. In response, the representative of China stated that China would implement the following measures prior to accession, unless otherwise indicated:

  (a) Registration of Initial Imports of Chemical Products

  - Enact and implement, within one year after its accession, a new law and relevant regulations regarding assessment and control of chemicals for the protection of the environment, in which complete national treatment and full consistency with international practices would be ensured.

  - Ensure that chemicals listed in the "inventory chemicals" annexed to the above new law and its regulations would be exempted from a registration obligation and that a unified assessment procedure would be established for domestic and imported products under the new law and its regulations.

  (b) CCIB Safety Mark and the "Great Wall" Mark

  - Unify the existing certification marks, i.e., the "CCIB" mark and the "Great Wall" mark into a new certification mark. For like imported and domestic goods, all bodies and agencies would issue the same mark and charge the same fee.

  - Accept testing reports for products subject to the International Electrotechnical Commission's System for Conformity Testing to Standards for Safety of Electrical Equipment ("IECEE CB Scheme") to which China was a party, and simplify the procedures for obtaining the new, unified certification mark

  - Shorten the time period needed for importers to obtain both marks regarding the same products, to no more than three months.

  (c) Automobiles and Parts

  - Unify its laws, regulations and standards applied to domestic and imported automobiles and parts.

  - Formulate, publish and implement laws and regulations, standards and implementing regulations to establish a transparent system under which all the laws and regulations would be applied so as to accord imported products treatment no less favourable than that accorded to like products of national origin.

  (d) Safety and Quality Licence System for Boilers and Pressure Vessels

  - Accord imported products treatment no less favourable than that accorded to products of national origin, including fees imposed for conformity assessment and the effective period of factory certification.

  - Adopt international standards as the basis for technical regulations and exempt imported products from inspection where like domestic products were not subject to such inspection.

  The Working Party took note of these commitments.

  197. The representative of China confirmed that, except as otherwise specified in the Draft Protocol, China would apply all obligations under the TBT Agreement from the date of accession. The Working Party took note of this commitment.

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