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  3. Technical Barriers to Trade

  177. The representative of China stated that China had set up a TBT notification authority and two enquiry points which had been notified to the TBT Committee. Upon accession, notices of adopted and proposed technical regulations, standards and conformity assessment procedures would be published. The names of the publications where this information could be found would be included in China's Statement of Implementation and Administration under Article 15.2 of the TBT Agreement, which would be submitted upon accession. The Working Party took note of this commitment.

  178. The representative of China stated that, further to China's implementation of WTO provisions, internal mechanisms would exist, upon accession, to inform and consult with, on an ongoing basis, government agencies and ministries (at national and sub-national levels), and private sector interests on the rights and obligations under the GATT 1994 and the TBT Agreement. Concerning questions from some members of the Working Party on the opportunity for public consultation and comment on proposed standards and technical regulations, the representative of China confirmed that, upon accession, China's procedures would clearly indicate that such opportunity existed and that comments would be given due consideration regardless of origin. The representative of China also confirmed that, upon accession, China would have in place minimum timeframes for allowing public comment on proposed technical regulations, standards and conformity assessment procedures as set out in the TBT Agreement and relevant decisions and recommendations adopted by the TBT Committee. The Working Party took note of these commitments.

  179. Several members of the Working Party requested information on the extent to which international standards were used as the basis for existing Chinese standards, details on China's plans for using international standards as the basis for new standards, and details on China's plans for reviewing existing standards so as to harmonize them with relevant international standards.

  180. In response, the representative of China stated that, as a full member of, for example, ISO, IEC and ITU, China actively participated in the development of relevant international standards. With China's efforts in restructuring government agencies, China would, not later than four months after accession, notify acceptance of the Code of Good Practice. The representative of China stated that for government standardizing bodies, a clear policy existed to periodically review existing standards, inter alia, to harmonize them with relevant international standards where appropriate. Furthermore, China would speed up its process of revising the current voluntary national, local and sectoral standards so as to harmonize them with international standards. The Working Party took note of these commitments.

  181. Some members of the Working Party expressed concern that China's use of the terms "technical regulations" and "standards" was not always consistent with the definitions found in the TBT Agreement, e.g., China sometimes used the word "standards" to refer to mandatory requirements that fell within the definition of "technical regulations". These members noted that China had developed a number of different types of measures, referred to as "standards", at levels other than the central government, in particular, regional, sectoral, and enterprise levels.

  182. In response, the representative of China stated that China, in its notifications under the TBT Agreement, including its notifications under Article 15.2 and in publications referenced therein, and in modifications of existing measures, would use the terms "technical regulations" and "standards" according to their meanings under the TBT Agreement. The Working Party took note of these commitments.

  183. Some members of the Working Party also expressed concern that China did not use relevant and available international standards as the basis for some of its existing technical regulations. Several members asked for information on the extent to which international standards were used as the basis for existing technical regulations, details on China's plans for using international standards as the basis for new technical regulations, and details on China's plans for reviewing existing technical regulations so as to harmonize standards referenced in them with international standards or their relevant parts.

  184. In response, the representative of China stated that since 1980, China had taken the active adoption of international standards as the basis for technical regulations as a basic policy of accelerating industrial modernization and promoting economic growth. The representative of China confirmed that this policy also required technical regulations to be reviewed every five years, inter alia, to ensure that international standards were used in accordance with Article 2.4 of the Agreement. He also confirmed that China would provide this policy as part of its notification under Article 15.2 of the Agreement. He noted that as a result of China's efforts in the past 20 years, the use of international standards as the basis for technical regulations had increased from 12 per cent to 40 per cent. China had begun formulating a standardization development programme in a bid to meet the challenges of the 21st century and the requirements provided for in the TBT Agreement, and had undertaken to further increase the use of international standards as the basis for technical regulations by 10 per cent in five years. The representative of China also confirmed that China would make publicly available procedures to implement Article 2.7 of the Agreement. The Working Party took note of these commitments.

  185. Bearing in mind the relevant provisions of the TBT Agreement, some members of the Working Party asked China to identify local government bodies, directly below the central government level, and non-governmental organizations, that were authorized to adopt technical regulations or conformity assessment procedures. The representative of China replied that China would provide a list of relevant local governmental and non-governmental bodies, upon accession, as part of its notification under Article 15.2 of the TBT Agreement. The Working Party took note of this commitment.

  186. With respect to conformity assessment procedures, several members of the Working Party asked for information about the extent to which international guides and recommendations were used as the basis for existing conformity assessment procedures, details on China's plans for using such guides and recommendations as the basis for new conformity assessment procedures, and details on China's plans for reviewing existing conformity assessment procedures so as to harmonize them with relevant international guides and recommendations.

  187. In response, the representative of China stated that China played a full part in the preparation by appropriate international standardizing bodies of guides and recommendations for conformity assessment procedures, e.g., as a full member of ISO CASCO. He stated that it was difficult to quantify the extent to which such guides and recommendations were used as the basis for existing conformity assessment procedures. He confirmed that China would use relevant guides or recommendations issued by international standardizing bodies as the basis for new conformity assessment procedures in accordance with Article 5.4 of the TBT Agreement. The representative of China also stated that existing conformity assessment procedures were reviewed concurrently with and under the same policy as related technical regulations, inter alia, to ensure the use of relevant international guides or recommendations in accordance with Article 5.4 of the TBT Agreement. He also confirmed that, upon accession, China would ensure that the same conformity assessment procedures were applied to both imported and domestic products. The Working Party took note of these commitments.

  188. Some members of the Working Party expressed concerns about the complexity and inconsistency of China's conformity assessment regime with TBT Agreement requirements. In particular, those members noted that conformity assessment on imported and domestic products was not performed by the same governmental entities and that this situation could result in less favourable treatment for imports. In response, the representative of China stated that the Chinese government had already decided to merge CIQ-SA and CSBTS into the State General Administration of the People's Republic of China for Quality Supervision and Inspection and Quarantine ("AQSIQ"), under its policy of development of market economy and further reform and opening up in China. The representative of China confirmed that the AQSIQ was responsible for all policies and procedures related to conformity assessment in China. He further stated that other government ministries and agencies developed conformity assessment policies and procedures but that these had to be authorized by AQSIQ before they could be enacted.

  189. Some members of the Working Party expressed concern about the consistency of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Import-Export Commodity Inspection ("the Law"), and the Regulations for the Implementation of that Law ("the Implementing Regulations"), with the TBT Agreement. In particular, provisions for technical regulations and conformity assessment procedures did not adequately address fundamental obligations such as transparency, non-discrimination, national treatment, and the avoidance of unnecessary barriers to trade.

  190. Some members of the Working Party expressed concern about a conformity assessment procedure known as Statutory Inspection, which was described, inter alia, in Articles 4, 5, and 6 of the Law and Articles 4, 5, and 9 of the Implementing Regulations. They stated that it was inconsistent with the principle of national treatment and constituted an unnecessary obstacle to international trade. Members of the Working Party agreed that WT/ACC/CHN/31 and WT/ACC/CHN/32, lists of products subject to Statutory Inspection, did not prejudge the legal status, nature or effects of notified technical regulations and standards under the WTO Agreement. The representative of China stated that China would bring the Law and Implementing Regulations, as well as other relevant legislation and regulations, into conformity with the TBT Agreement by the date of accession. The Working Party took note of this commitment.

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