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BUSINESS.SOHU.COM 2004年7月13日14:34 来源:[ 搜狐财经 ]
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  4. Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures

  198. Some Members of the Working Party expressed concerns in relation to the use by China of sanitary and phytosanitary ("SPS") procedures as non-tariff barriers and raised specific instances where they considered that China's measures were not consistent with the WTO Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures ("SPS Agreement"). Members sought assurances that China would only use SPS measures to the extent necessary to protect human, animal or plant life or health, and that such measures would be based fully on scientific principles.

  199. The representative of China stated that pursuant to the provisions of the SPS Agreement, China applied SPS measures only to the extent necessary to protect the life and health of human beings, animals and plants. He also noted that most of China's SPS measures were based on international standards, guidelines and recommendations. China would not apply SPS measures in a manner which would act as a disguised restriction on trade. In accordance with the SPS Agreement, China would ensure that SPS measures would not be maintained without sufficient scientific evidence. The Working Party took note of these commitments.

  200. Members of the Working Party expressed the view that China should comply with the SPS Agreement from the date of China's accession and should ensure conformity with the SPS Agreement of all its laws, regulations, decrees, requirements and procedures relating to SPS measures. In response, the representative of China confirmed that China would fully comply with the SPS Agreement and would ensure the conformity with the SPS Agreement of all of its laws, regulations, decrees, requirements and procedures relating to SPS measures from the date of accession. The Working Party took note of these commitments.

  201. Members of the Working Party noted that China's notification of laws, regulations and other SPS measures, referred to in the Draft Protocol, was provided in document WT/ACC/CHN/33. Members of the Working Party agreed that this notification did not prejudge the legal status under the WTO Agreement of the nature or effects of the notified laws, regulations and other SPS measures.

  202. The representative of China said that China had set up an SPS notification authority and an SPS enquiry point which would be notified to the SPS Committee. SPS measures, including those relating to inspection, had been published in publications such as the MOFTEC Gazette. Information could also be gathered from the SPS notification authority or from China's SPS enquiry point.

  5. Trade-Related Investment Measures

  203. The representative of China confirmed that upon accession, as set forth in the Draft Protocol, China would comply fully with the TRIMs Agreement, without recourse to Article 5 thereof, and would eliminate foreign-exchange balancing and trade balancing requirements, local content requirements and export performance requirements. Chinese authorities would not enforce the terms of contracts containing such requirements. The allocation, permission or rights for importation and investment would not be conditional upon performance requirements set by national or sub-national authorities, or subject to secondary conditions covering, for example, the conduct of research, the provision of offsets or other forms of industrial compensation including specified types or volumes of business opportunities, the use of local inputs or the transfer of technology. Permission to invest, import licences, quotas and tariff rate quotas would be granted without regard to the existence of competing Chinese domestic suppliers. Consistent with its obligations under the WTO Agreement and the Draft Protocol, the freedom of contract of enterprises would be respected by China. The Working Party took note of this commitment.

  204. In the context of discussions on the government's Industrial Policy for the Automotive Sector, the representative of China confirmed that this policy would be amended to ensure compatibility with WTO rules and principles. The Working Party took note of this commitment.

  205. The representative of China added that amendments would be made to ensure that all measures applicable to motor vehicle producers restricting the categories, types or models of vehicle permitted for production, would gradually be lifted. Such measures would be completely removed two years after accession, thus ensuring that motor vehicle producers would be free to choose the categories, types and models they produced. However, it was understood that category authorizations by the government could continue to distinguish between trucks and buses, light commercial vehicles, and passenger cars (including multi-purpose vehicles and sport utility vehicles). The Working Party took note of this commitment.

  206. The representative of China confirmed that China also agreed to raise the limit within which investments in motor vehicle manufacturing could be approved at provincial government level only, from the current level of US$30 million, to US$60 million one year after accession, US$90 million two years after accession, and US$150 million four years after accession. The Working Party took note of this commitment.

  207. With respect to the manufacture of motor vehicle engines, the representative of China also confirmed that China agreed to remove the 50 per cent foreign equity limit for joint-ventures upon accession. The Working Party took note of this commitment.

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