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BUSINESS.SOHU.COM 2004年7月13日14:41 来源:[ 搜狐财经 ]
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  8. Transit

  229. The representative of China stated that the current regulation of transit in China, the Regulations of the Customs of the People's Republic of China on the Supervision and Administration of Transit Goods, was consistent with Article V of the GATT 1994.

  9. Agricultural Policies

  230. The representative of China stated that since China was a country with a vast agricultural base, as well as a vast population, agricultural security and food security in particular, was an issue of supreme importance. China based its policies on domestic agricultural supply, especially on balanced supply and demand of grains. Meanwhile, China actively sought international resources as a necessary supplement.

  231. While noting this statement, some members of the Working Party expressed concerns about China's linkage of import policies for agriculture, including TRQ allocations, to domestic production policy and the sub-national supply and utilization situation. Those members requested that China undertake an appropriate commitment to eliminate these practices. In response, the representative of China confirmed that China would base import policies for agriculture on commercial considerations only. The Working Party took note of this commitment.

  232. Some members of the Working Party expressed further concerns in relation to administrative guidance provided at the national and sub-national level which could have the effect of influencing the quantity and composition of agricultural imports. Those members considered reform of these practices toward full WTO consistency as an essential element of China's accession. To ensure effective market access opportunities were created for imported products, some members requested assurances from China that agricultural and trade policies would not discriminate in a WTO inconsistent manner against imported products. Consistent with China's commitment to uniform administration, the representative of China confirmed that, by the date of accession, China would not maintain, resort or revert to guidance plans or administrative guidance at the national or sub-national level that regulate the quantity, quality or treatment of imports, or constitute import substitution practices or other non-tariff measures, including those maintained through state trading enterprises at the national or sub-national level. The Working Party took note of this commitment.

  233. Some members of the Working Party expressed concern that large stocks in China of grain and cotton had been procured at relatively high prices by state-trading enterprises or other state-affiliated, state-run, or state-controlled entities and noted that exports of these or other government-purchased products at prices lower than the comparable price charged for the like product to buyers in the domestic market could be challenged as an export subsidy or as inconsistent with other WTO obligations. These members requested that China ensure that all entities, including state trading enterprises and any other state-affiliated, state-run, or state-controlled entity at the national or sub-national level operated in accordance with China's WTO obligations, including those on export subsidies. In response, the representative of China confirmed that all entities in China would operate in accordance with China's WTO obligations, including those on export subsidies. Further, the representative of China stated that national and sub-national authorities would not provide fund transfers or other benefits to any entities in China that would be inconsistent with its WTO obligations, including to offset losses accrued through exports. The Working Party took note of these commitments.

  234. The representative of China confirmed that by the date of accession, China would not maintain or introduce any export subsidies on agricultural products. The Working Party took note of this commitment.

  235. In implementing Article 6.2 and 6.4 of the Agreement on Agriculture, the representative of China confirmed that while China could provide support through government measures of the types described in Article 6.2, the amount of such support would be included in China's calculation of its Aggregate Measurement of Support ("AMS"). He noted that China's Total AMS Commitment Level was set forth in Part IV, Section I of China's Schedule. The representative of China further confirmed that China would have recourse to a de minimis exemption for product-specific support equivalent to 8.5 per cent of the total value of production of a basic agricultural product during the relevant year. The representative of China confirmed that China would have recourse to a de minimis exemption for non-product-specific support of 8.5 per cent of the value of China's total agricultural production during the relevant year. Accordingly, these percentages would constitute China's de minimis exemption under Article 6.4 of the Agreement on Agriculture. The Working Party took note of these commitments.

  236. China's concessions on agricultural tariffs, and commitments on domestic support and on export subsidies for agricultural products were contained in the Schedule of Concessions and Commitments on Goods annexed to the Draft Protocol as Annex 8.

  237. Some members of the Working Party noted that the domestic support tables of China in WT/ACC/CHN/38/Rev.3 showed China's base total AMS as zero in DS:4. They also noted that product specific support was negative in DS:5.

  238. Some members of the Working Party noted that although WT/ACC/CHN/38/Rev.3 did provide a basis for supporting the commitments in China's Schedule, this document still contained issues which required further methodological clarification relating to policy classification. The representative of China confirmed that this clarification would be addressed in the context of China's notification obligations under the Agreement on Agriculture. The Working Party took note of this commitment.

  10. Trade in Civil Aircraft

  239. In response to questions from members of the Working Party, the representative of China indicated that China was not in a position to commit to joining the Agreement on Trade in Civil Aircraft at the present stage.

  240. The representative of China confirmed that China would not impose any provisions of offsets or other forms of industrial compensation when purchasing civil aircraft, including specified types or volumes of business opportunities. The Working Party took note of this commitment.

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