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BUSINESS.SOHU.COM 2004年7月13日14:41 来源:[ 搜狐财经 ]
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  11. Textiles

  241. Some members of the Working Party proposed and the representative of China accepted that the quantitative restrictions maintained by WTO Members on imports of textiles and apparel products originating in China that were in force on the date prior to the date of China's accession should be notified to the Textiles Monitoring Body ("TMB") as being the base levels for the purpose of application of Articles 2 and 3 of the WTO Agreement on Textiles and Clothing ("ATC"). For such WTO Members, the phrase "day prior to the date of entry into force of the WTO Agreement", contained in Article 2.1 of the ATC, should be deemed to refer to the day prior to the date of China's accession. To these base levels, the increase in growth rates provided for in Articles 2.13 and 2.14 of the ATC should be applied, as appropriate, from the date of China's accession. The Working Party took note of these commitments.

  242. The representative of China agreed that the following provisions would apply to trade in textiles and clothing products until 31 December 2008 and be part of the terms and conditions for China's accession:

  (a) In the event that a WTO Member believed that imports of Chinese origin of textiles and apparel products covered by the ATC as of the date the WTO Agreement entered into force, were, due to market disruption, threatening to impede the orderly development of trade in these products, such Member could request consultations with China with a view to easing or avoiding such market disruption. The Member requesting consultations would provide China, at the time of the request, with a detailed factual statement of reasons and justifications for its request for consultations with current data which, in the view of the requesting Member, showed: (1) the existence or threat of market disruption; and (2) the role of products of Chinese origin in that disruption;

  (b) Consultations would be held within 30 days of receipt of the request. Every effort would be made to reach agreement on a mutually satisfactory solution within 90 days of the receipt of such request, unless extended by mutual agreement;

  (c) Upon receipt of the request for consultations, China agreed to hold its shipments to the requesting Member of textile or textile products in the category or categories subject to these consultations to a level no greater than 7.5 per cent (6 per cent for wool product categories) above the amount entered during the first 12 months of the most recent 14 months preceding the month in which the request for consultations was made;

  (d) If no mutually satisfactory solution were reached during the 90-day consultation period, consultations would continue and the Member requesting consultations could continue the limits under subparagraph (c) for textiles or textile products in the category or categories subject to these consultations;

  (e) The term of any restraint limit established under subparagraph (d) would be effective for the period beginning on the date of the request for consultations and ending on 31 December of the year in which consultations were requested, or where three or fewer months remained in the year at the time of the request for consultations, for the period ending 12 months after the request for consultations;

  (f) No action taken under this provision would remain in effect beyond one year, without reapplication, unless otherwise agreed between the Member concerned and China; and

  (g) Measures could not be applied to the same product at the same time under this provision and the provisions of Section 16 of the Draft Protocol.

  The Working Party took note of these commitments.

  12. Measures Maintained Against China

  243. The representative of China stated that WTO Members should eliminate all discriminatory non-tariff measures maintained against Chinese exports from the date of China's accession. In response, some members of the Working Party stated that, in their view, such measures did not need to be phased out until such time as China's foreign trade regime fully conformed to WTO obligations.

  244. In light of the above, it was agreed that any prohibitions, quantitative restrictions or other measures maintained against imports from China in a manner inconsistent with the WTO Agreement would be listed in Annex 7 to the Draft Protocol. It was further agreed that all such measures would be phased out or otherwise dealt with in accordance with mutually agreed terms and timetables as specified in said annex.

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