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BUSINESS.SOHU.COM 2004年7月13日14:41 来源:[ 搜狐财经 ]
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  13. Transitional Safeguards

  245. With respect to implementation of the product-specific safeguard, the representative of China expressed particular concern that WTO Members provide due process and use objective criteria in determining the existence of market disruption or trade diversion, because WTO Members did not have wide experience in implementing the provisions of Section 16 of the Draft Protocol. He stated that with respect to trade diversion, WTO Members needed to apply objective criteria to determine whether an action by China or another WTO Member under the product-specific safeguard to prevent or remedy market disruption caused or threatened to cause significant diversion of trade. Such criteria should include the actual or imminent increase in market share or volume of imports from China, the nature or extent of the action taken by China or the other WTO Member and other similar criteria. In addition, WTO Members should provide an opportunity for importers, exporters and all interested parties to submit their views on the matter.

  246. Members of the Working Party noted that the Draft Protocol included specific requirements that WTO Members needed to follow in connection with an action under that Section. Members of the Working Party confirmed that in implementing the provisions on market disruption, WTO Members would comply with those provisions and the following:

  (a) An action to address market disruption would be taken only after an investigation by the competent authorities of the importing WTO Member pursuant to procedures previously established and made available to the public;

  (b) The competent authority of the importing Member would publish notice of the commencement of any investigation under the product-specific safeguard provisions of the Draft Protocol and would, within a reasonable time thereafter, hold a public hearing or provide other appropriate means for the purpose of permitting interested parties to present evidence and their views as to the appropriateness of whether or not to take a measure and to respond to the presentations of other parties;

  (c) In determining whether market disruption existed, including the causal link between imports which were increasing rapidly, either absolutely or relatively, and any material injury or threat of material injury to the domestic industry, the competent authorities would consider objective factors, including (1) the volume of imports of the product which was the subject of the investigation; (2) the effect of imports of such product on prices in the importing WTO Member's market for the like or directly competitive products; (3) the effect of imports of such product on the domestic industry producing like or directly competitive products;

  (d) The competent authorities would publish any measure proposed to be taken and provide the opportunity, including a public hearing, if requested, or provide other appropriate means, for importers, exporters and other interested parties to submit their views and evidence on the appropriateness of the proposed measure and whether it would be in the public interest;

  (e) The competent authority would promptly publish notice of the decision to apply a measure, including an explanation of the basis for the decision and the scope and duration of the measure;

  (f) The period of application of the measure could be extended, provided that the competent authorities of the importing WTO Member had determined that action continued to be necessary to prevent or remedy market disruption. The competent authorities of the importing WTO Member would publish notice of the commencement of any proceeding to consider whether to extend the duration of an action and would, within a reasonable time thereafter, hold a public hearing or provide other appropriate means for the purpose of permitting all interested parties to have an opportunity to present evidence or their views and to respond to the presentations of other parties;

  (g) Except for good cause, no investigation under Section 16 of the Protocol on the same subject matter could be initiated less than one year after the completion of a previous investigation; and

  (h) A WTO Member would apply a measure only for such period of time as was necessary to prevent or remedy market disruption.

  247. Trade diversion referred to an increase in imports from China of a product into a WTO Member as the result of an action by China or other WTO Members pursuant to paragraphs 2, 3 or 7 of Section 16 of the Draft Protocol. Members of the Working Party also noted that the Draft Protocol required a determination that any trade diversion was significant and that the action taken to address market disruption had caused or threatened to cause the diversion.

  248. Members of the Working Party agreed that objective criteria had to be applied in determining whether actions to prevent or remedy market disruption caused or threatened to cause significant diversion of trade. Among the factors to be examined were:

  (a) the actual or imminent increase in market share of imports from China in the importing WTO Member;

  (b) the nature or extent of the action taken or proposed by China or other WTO Members;

  (c) the actual or imminent increase in the volume of imports from China due to the action taken or proposed;

  (d) conditions of demand and supply in the importing WTO Member's market for the products at issue; and

  (e) the extent of exports from China to the WTO Member(s) applying a measure pursuant to paragraphs 2, 3 or 7 of Section 16 of the Draft Protocol and to the importing WTO Member.

  249. A measure taken to address significant diversions of trade would be terminated not later than 30 days after the expiration of the action taken by the WTO Member or Members involved against imports from China.

  250. If the WTO Member or Members taking an action to address market disruption notified the WTO Committee on Safeguards of any modification of an action, the competent authorities of the WTO Member addressing trade diversion would determine whether a significant diversion of trade continued to exist and determine whether to modify, withdraw or keep in place the action taken.

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