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BUSINESS.SOHU.COM 2004年7月13日14:41 来源:[ 搜狐财经 ]
页面功能 【我来说两句】【我要“揪”错】【推荐】【字体: 】【打印】 【关闭



  1. Overview

  251. The representative of China stated that China had made the protection of intellectual property rights ("IPRs") an essential component of its reform and opening-up policy and socialist legal construction. The formulation of laws and regulations in this field could be traced back to the late 1970s. Since then, China had joined relevant international conventions and had actively participated in the activities sponsored by relevant international organizations. It had intensified its exchanges and cooperation with countries throughout the world in the field of IPR protection. As a result, notwithstanding the initial stage of its development, China's IPR protection system aimed at achieving world dimension and world standards. Lists of administrative rules concerning intellectual property rights currently in force in China were presented below in Table A. The status of ongoing reforms and other relevant information was presented in Table B in the following paragraph. Other laws, regulations and measures relating to the implementation of the TRIPS Agreement had been or would be notified to the WTO and would be made available upon request.


  252. The representative of China stated that for accession to the WTO Agreement and compliance with the TRIPS Agreement, further amendments had been made to the Patent Law. The amendments to the Copyright Law and the Trademark Law, as well as relevant implementing rules covering different areas of the TRIPS Agreement, would also be accomplished upon China's accession. The representative of China stated that laws adopted by the National People's Congress and administrative regulations, including implementing rules, issued by the State Council were applied and enforced by the people's courts. The Working Party took note of these commitments.


  2. Responsible agencies for policy formulation and implementation

  253. The representative of China stated that, at present, different agencies were responsible for IPR policy formulation and implementation. The State Intellectual Property Office ("SIPO") was responsible for patent approval; the Trademarks Office under the State Administration for Industry and Commerce ("SAIC") was responsible for trademarks registration; the Copyright Office was responsible for copyright policy making; SAIC was responsible for anti-unfair competition, including the protection of trade secrets; the State Drug Administration ("SDA") was responsible for administrative protection of pharmaceuticals; the General Customs Administration was responsible for border measures; the Ministry of Agriculture and the State Administration of Forestry were responsible for protection of plant varieties; the Ministry of Information Industry was responsible for the protection of layout designs of integrated circuits; and the State General Administration of the People's Republic of China for Quality Supervision and Inspection and Quarantine and SAIC were responsible for combating counterfeiting activities. Other agencies like the agency for press and publications, the people's courts and police were also involved in the protection of IPR in China.

  3. Participation in international intellectual property agreements

  254. The representative of China stated that China became a member of the World Intellectual Property Organization in 1980. In 1985, China became a member of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property. China was one of the first countries that signed the Treaty on Intellectual Property in Respect of Integrated Circuits, the negotiation of which was concluded in 1989. In 1989, China became a member of the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks and in 1992, China became a member of the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works. In 1993, China became a member of the Convention for the Protection of Producers of Phonograms Against Unauthorized Duplication of Their Phonograms. In 1994, China became a member of the Patent Cooperation Treaty and a member of the Nice Agreement Concerning the International Classification of Goods and Services for the Purposes of the Registration of Marks. In 1995, China became a member of the Budapest Treaty on the International Recognition of the Deposit of Microorganisms for the Purposes of Patent Procedure and applied for membership in the Protocols of the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks. In 1996, China became a member of the Locarno Agreement on Establishing an International Classification for Industrial Designs; and in 1997, China became a member of the Strasbourg Agreement Concerning the International Patent Classification. Besides the above efforts, China participated in the TRIPS negotiations during the Uruguay Round and initialled the Final Act.

  4. Application of national and MFN treatment to foreign nationals

  255. Some members of the Working Party expressed concern that certain provisions of China's copyright and trademark laws, as well as China's Rules on Banning the Infringement of Business Secrets (23 November 1995) did not provide national treatment to foreign right-holders. The Rules on Banning Infringements of Business Secrets, for example, defined the "owner" of a trade secret as a "citizen, corporation, and other organization" and did not explicitly provide protection for foreign individuals or organizations. Some members of the Working Party further stated that national treatment should be fully applied, so that copyright enforcement action by local copyright bureaux involving foreign right-holders, would no longer require clearance by the National Copyright Administration in Beijing.

  256. The representative of China responded that China's IPR laws provided that any foreigner would be treated in accordance with any agreement concluded between the foreign country and China, or in accordance with any international treaty to which both countries were party, or on the basis of the principle of reciprocity. The representative of China further confirmed that China would modify relevant laws, regulations and other measures so as to ensure national and MFN treatment to foreign right-holders regarding all intellectual property rights across the board in compliance with the TRIPS Agreement. This would include adjustments of the clearance requirement mentioned in the previous paragraph to ensure national treatment. The Working Party took note of these commitments.

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