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BUSINESS.SOHU.COM 2004年7月13日14:41 来源:[ 搜狐财经 ]
页面功能 【我来说两句】【我要“揪”错】【推荐】【字体: 】【打印】 【关闭


  1. Copyright protection

  257. The representative of China stated that the Copyright Law, which was promulgated in 1990, established the basic copyright protection system in China together with the Implementing Rules of the Copyright Law (30 May 1991), the Provisions on the Implementation of the International Copyright Treaty (25 September 1992) and other related laws and regulations. In principle, this system was in compliance with the international IPR treaties and practices. For the protection of copyright and neighbouring rights, not only civil and criminal liabilities but also administrative liabilities, were provided for in this system. Hence the infringing activities could be curbed in a timely and effective manner and the legitimate rights of the right-holders could be protected.

  258. Some members of the Working Party expressed concerns about the consistency of China's current law on the protection of copyright and related rights with the TRIPS Agreement. In particular, members noted the need to clarify the rights of performers and producers to bring them into conformity with the requirements of Article 14 of the TRIPS Agreement. In addition, improvements were needed with respect to enforcement of copyright to provide expressly for provisional measures to preserve evidence, including documentary evidence and for remedies sufficient to deter further infringements.

  259. The representative of China responded that, realizing that there were some existing differences between China's copyright laws and the TRIPS Agreement, the amendment to the Copyright Law had been accelerated. The proposed amendments would clarify the payment system by broadcasting organizations which use the recording products and also include the following provisions: rental rights in respect of computer programs and movies, mechanical performance rights, rights of communication to the public and related protection measures, protection of database compilations, provisional measures, increasing the legitimate compensation amount and strengthening the measures against infringing activities. China's copyright regime including Regulations for the Implementation of the Copyright Law and the Provisions on the Implementation of the International Copyright Treaty would be amended so as to ensure full consistency with China's obligations under the TRIPS Agreement. The Working Party took note of these commitments.

  2. Trademarks, including service marks

  260. The representative of China stated that the Trademark Law, its implementing rules and other relevant laws, administrative regulations and department rules constituted the existing trademark legal system in China. The objective of these laws was to provide protection to right-holders in line with the international conventions and prevailing practices regarding intellectual property rights, which was embodied both in the regulations on the substance and procedures for trademark registration and in the protection of trademark exclusive rights. In order to protect the trademark owner's exclusive rights, China's Trademark Law contained not only civil and criminal liabilities but also provided for administrative punishment of trademark infringers. This "double-track system" for the protection of exclusive rights in trademarks could prevent trademark infringements in a timely and effective manner and protect the legitimate rights and interests of these exclusive rights. In recent years, China's judicial and administrative bodies had stepped up their efforts to protect trademark exclusive rights within their respective authority. They had settled a large number of cases that were influential, domestically and abroad, which provided adequate protection to the legitimate rights and interests of both Chinese and foreign holders of exclusive rights in trademarks, and received a positive response from domestic and foreign right-holders.

  261. Some members of the Working Party reiterated their concerns about whether certain provisions of China's trademark law provided national treatment to foreign owners of trademarks. They noted that China's law required foreign owners of trademarks to use designated trademark agents, while Chinese nationals were permitted to file directly with China's Trademark Office. Members also noted that China's trademark law did not consider certain signs as eligible for protection as required under the TRIPS Agreement. These included names, letters, numerals and colours capable of distinguishing goods and services. In addition, if registrability of a trademark depends on use, China's trademark law should provide that a non-distinctive mark could qualify for registration when it has acquired distinctiveness based on use. Members also noted that it was not clear under China's law that actual use of a mark was not required before a party could file to register a mark.

  262. Some members of the Working Party also raised concerns about the protection of well-known trademarks in China, in particular those not registered in China. China's laws and regulations did not specifically state the criteria for determining whether a mark was well-known and therefore members could not determine if it conformed to the requirements of Article 16 of the TRIPS Agreement. Moreover, while China had provided protection to "well-known trademarks" owned by nationals, such protection had, as yet, not been granted to the well-known trademarks of foreigners. Members also noted that certain provisions of China's trademark law needed to be extended to unregistered well-known trademarks.

  263. The representative of China stated that with the development of China's market economy and the further implementation of the TRIPS Agreement, China's legislative and law enforcement bodies had also realized that the existing trademark law fell somewhat short of fulfilling the requirements of the TRIPS Agreement and the Paris Convention in a few aspects and were therefore preparing to amend the existing trademark law to fully meet the requirements of the TRIPS Agreement. Modifications would mainly be made to the following aspects: to include the trademark registration of three-dimensional symbols, combinations of colours, alphabets and figures; to add the content of collective trademark and certification trademark (including geographical indications); to introduce official symbol protection; to protect well-known trademarks; to include priority rights; to modify the existing trademark right confirmation system and offer interested parties the opportunity for judicial review concerning the confirmation of trademark rights; to crack down on all serious infringements; and to improve the system for providing damages for trademark infringement. The Working Party took note of these commitments.

  3. Geographical indications, including appellations of origin

  264. The representative of China stated that the relevant rules of the SAIC and the State General Administration of the People's Republic of China for Quality Supervision and Inspection and Quarantine partly provided protection for geographical indications, including appellations of origin, and that the amendments to the trademark law would have a specific provision on the protection of geographical indications.

  265. Members of the Working Party took note of the progress achieved on providing protection for geographical indications and reiterated the importance of China's legislation complying with the obligations under the TRIPS Agreement (Articles 22, 23 and 24). The representative of China shared this assessment and reiterated China's intention to fully comply with relevant articles in the TRIPS Agreement on geographical indications. The Working Party took note of this commitment.

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